
Is there anyone that made the transition from Corporate America to Real Estate? How did you do it?

by Guest56312  |  earlier

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Did you become a Agent, Apprasier, Loan officer, etc? How is the Real Estate Industry what kind of jobs are available? I need to get in Real Estate to learn as much as possible to become a strong investor Any suggestions in a particular area the promotes and grow fast according to performance? (MEANING: NOT WAITING FOR 5 YEARS TO BE PROMOTED). Are there any areas in Real estate that train beginners with base salaries(perfered)? Or only Hire on Commission only? I looking for a area where I can learn, grow and have freedoms.

Please share stories, advice, or recommendations.

Thank you




  1. I don't know about Corporate America, but I did make the transition from the Military. I am now a Professional Real Estate Investor. They key was we had to find a way to pay the bills until investing started bringing in money. My wife has been very supportive, and really took on the challenge. She found a well paying job that kept us on track. The money from Real Estate is not yet steady (I am building a portfolio of positive income properties which will eventually replace our job income), and we can rely on my wife's income in the meantime.

    It is all about asking your self if this is what you really want - and then finding a way to make it happen.

    I also I need to emphasize the need for networking. It is extremely important that you have a strong network to support you and guide you. Your learning curve will be a lot less if you have a knowledgeable support network to lean on.

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