
Is there anyone to talk to?

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about being bi? i think i am. well accually i am. i havent relly done that much with her but they turn me on and is there someone i can talk to. i cant really be bi cause my dad doesnt approve of that stuff so i have to be straight. but i really want to do stuff with girls. im only 14 so i have time to do stuff but its something that bothers me cause idk what to do.




  1. Your not Bi

    You are a girl

    You are a young and confused girl

    You are a young and confused girl that has fallen for a world that wants to keep you confused so the powers to be can do what they want and you wont notice.

    Have you ever seen any animal other than a human actually have same s*x sexual relations?

    No i'm not talking about your female dog humping on a pilow.

    Once again, Have you ever seen any animal other than a human actually have same s*x sexual relations?

    It goes against all the laws of nature, it may be fun, it may be exciting


    By the way you are too young to be worrying about this at this time.

    Go in your room and play with your dolls, forget about this question and find you a nice boy in about 4 years.

    Good luck with your life.

  2. To be bi or bi-curious is a very natural thing for a teenager. It's when we are teenagers that our hormones starts to make us interested in our sexuality and we start to exploring what it is that we like and dislike. Many that are bi curious as teenagers do grow up to live in straight relationships after that. It's just a phase in life when they are deciding what they like and dislike. On the other hand some grow up to continuing being bi or homo sexual.

    Bi sexual behavior is actually very common in nature among many animals. Some refuse to admit it since it doesn't fit their idea of how the world should look and work.

    The best thing to do is to go somewhere where you can get support and answers from other bi teenagers. On here there are too many persons that just don't understand and spend their time bashing and hating instead.

    This is a site for teens that focuses on sexuality:

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