
Is there anyone who can tell me where I would could write to to prevent a Commutor rail train disaster?

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I am a part time geologist. I collect minerals like amethyst and topaz ect. I have an extencive knowledge of this field. I found a massive quartz cavity (among other smaller cavities) in the embankment dangerously overhanging were a new commutor rail has been installed,in my town. This cavity had collapsed, clay and coke bottle size crystals slid down the embankment and gathered in a giant pile 2 feet from the track. I noticed this on my way to work as I walk near there everyday. I found museum quality crystals and donated them to my towns natural history exibit through the historical society in my town. The pile of rubble had been moved by the constuction comp. that was installing the track. I called the rail line to tell them that there are more extreemly unstable cavities on this embankment ( wich has again collapsed in the spot they fixed) They just brushed me off like!!!!!!! I wrote Attourney gen, nat tranz saf com. Watch FOX 25 news and wait for a trian wreck!!!!!





  1. I know just how you feel.  Trust me, the world is run by idiots.  you need to write more letters to city hall- the mayor, town council, county etc. tell them what you know and how you know it.  Demand an anwer by calling them repeatedly.  The most important thing to do is go to the press with this- local news stations love this sort of thing; especially if your being ignored and you have a valid point.  You should also contact the construction company or railroad and find out who their project assesor is- they are supposed to do some sort of environmental review with jobs like the one you described.

  2. Id call local emergency services and also the ceo of the rail line

  3. Don't just watch the news be a part of it.  Call your local TV station and tell them about it.  TV news shows are always looking for an interesting story.  This will get the attention of the right people, they may even interview the people that need to be warned about it.  Try it and see.

    If the TV station is not interested in the story try the newspaper and then you will know you did everything you can.  You can also contact your local University and talk to a professor who might understand what you do, he/she might be able to get some people to listen because they are a   "professional."

  4. i suggest you email George Bush, he will get right on it.....

    if not then you can blame him like everyone else has.....

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