
Is there anyone who doesn't think they guy he/she is voting for is going to win in Nov?

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Seems like every day on here I see Dems saying "Republicans are gonna cry when Obama wins!" and Reps saying "What are Democrats gonna do when McCain wins?" and stuff like that. What I'm wondering is, is there anyone who plans on voting for either of those two, but thinks that person is still probably not going to win? In other words, are you planning to vote for Obama, but think McCain will win, or are you planning to vote for McCain, but think Obama will win?

I myself will be voting for McCain (as a lesser of two evils), and personally think it's too early to guess who will win. But, I've never asked or answered a question based on a belief that either candidate will definitely win.

Just curious...




  1. I'm voting Obama...and I have to say that I have my doubts as to his winning in November.  I still have hope, though.

    I would have voted for Cynthia Mckinney, but she kinda dropped off the radar.  I think voting for someone who has the highest chance of winning who's ideals are closer to mine is the way to go...but even when/if Obama secures the presidency, I'm also afraid he could be assassinated.  America, in general, is still to racist and ignorant to accept a mixed race person who is in authority to this magnitude.  Our country's history should be evidence of that.  Hate crimes are still on the rise, even after all these years of rights being given to all races.

    I am very afraid for my country's future if McCain secures the presidency.  We will be headed for another depression, and/or we could possibly be attacked by several other countries because of the hatred Bush has caused with the world...and McCain has made it quite clear he has quite the same intentions as the Bush administration in matters of the war...not to mention that the poor and middle class would probably die-out eventually due to health care situation...guess the rich Repulicans can wash thier own cars and cook their own meals once the poor working class won't be there to do it...

  2. I'm voting for Barr and he will not win. It's about conscience for me not winning or losing. Were hoping that we can hit the numbers hard enough that at least rep's and dem's will have to start changing their strategies and talking about the issues instead of just bashing each other.  

  3. We are voting McCain!  And do not know anyone voting for Obama.  Obama is a very dangerous man.  A snake in the grass!  So like you the lesser of two evils will be McCain! I do not see how Any American can vote for Obama.

  4. I'm voting for Bob Barr, and I know he won;'t win, but I'd rather cast a vote for somebody who's ideals I believe in then somebody who i think has a chance at winning.  

  5. I'll vote for Bob Barr, and he isn't going to win, but if enough people keep voting Libertarian, there may be hope for the future.  Otherwise we will be bankrupt from deficit spending to the point we won't be able to pay the interest on the national debt regardless of how high taxes rise.

  6. I'm not invested in either of these morons so really the outcome isn't something I'm pondering, the only plans I am making is how to keep my family alive and successful no matter which one gets the job.  I lost hope in this election when the one man who came out to support "We The People" was marginalized and called a nut and his campaign stalled, after that it's just two globalists fighting to be the one that takes more sovereignty away from this nation and more freedom away from its people.

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