
Is there anyone who has a child with autism spectrum disorder?

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Is there anyone who has a child with autism spectrum disorder?




  1. My niece is low on the spectrum.

    Her vocabulary is about at the level of an 18mo old.

    Her comprehensions is just high enough that she knows to pretend she doesn't understand when you tell her to do something she doesn't want to.  But she sure can understand when I am talking about going home.  I don't even have to say anything specific.  I just go into "Well, I have to do laundry & ..."  (leading up to "so I better go") and she grabs my purse & starts saying "Car - Car!"

  2. yes in oz how can i help

  3. Yes, I have one stunningly beautiful 3 and a half y.o. boy who has autism.

  4. I have twins, one is severely autistic and the other is within the autistic spectrum.

  5. Yes, I have a daughter with Asperger syndrome and am the child of a parent with Asperger syndrome.

  6. My 18-year-old brother is severely autistic. Why do you ask?

  7. yeah i am i'm 17. and i'm being serious

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