
Is there anyone who has never read a harry potter book,or seen a harry potter movie?

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am i the only one?is there anyone out there.pmsl!!!!




  1. my mum

  2. I certainly haven't. Yay!

  3. I confess..I have never read Harry Potter are seen the films...

    mainly because I am not in the same age group as most of their audience....

  4. I haven't either

  5. wow, thats lame!!!!

  6. Yes me. Do not know what it is all about. Zero interest here.

  7. my dear child!!! You have been deprived...go get yoyrself an HP BOOK and start reading!!! YOU WONT REGRET IT!!!

    I promise!

  8. No, I've never read one, or seen one.  So you're not the only one.

  9. Read one to my daughter

    Also seen 2 of the films and enjoyed them

    - lots of the ideas are "borrowed" from JRR Tolkien

  10. well..not alot of people havent...

  11. You're not the only one, I haven't either -_-

    But my brother is obsessed with it ....

    Which is kind of annoying sometimes.

    Each to his own.

  12. my cousins haven't

  13. My friend has never read the books, but I do believe she has seen the films.

    I think you are in the incredible minority.

    That's okay, though, the books are not that great.

    I, for instance, wish I had never picked up those books. I hated fantasy for many, many years until I found stuff I'd been missing out on.

  14. Read it! Harry Potter Rocks!

    Some of the best characters in literature are in Harry Potter (Snape, Lupin, Tonks, Sirius, Ron, Hermione, Malfoy..) just to name a few!

    They kick @ss any twilight characters (and i am a HUGE twilight fan myself as well!)

  15. I really wish I hadn;t. I actually envy you for not having had them inflicted on your psyche.

  16. How can you not have.

    You seriously don't know what your missing mate

  17. you don't know what you're missing HP rocks.

  18. Sorry, its a small world, but not that small...your the only one

  19. no i have not seen/read harry potter movie/book.

  20. So far I have not had any desire to read or see the movies. I like fantasy, I just couldn't get past all the hype about them. Maybe some day I will, but so far, I'm with you.

    Karen Syed

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