I already asked if my friend would serve jail time and i got GREAT answers so thanks to everyone! i just wanted to talk to someone a little more about the situation. here's the story.
My friend was drinking and driving and lost control of his truck and crashed into a house. He ran away and left his unconscience friend in the passenger's seat of his truck. The cops finally found him after a while and brought him to the police station. One of his offenses right now is leaving the scene of an accident, obviously a felony. He didn't get charged for a DWI...yet. Maybe he won't, however, his friend had permanent brain damage and broke his arm. Will my friend get jail time? Thanks for your help!
Oh, and I also forgot to mention that he admitted in his statement that he had a few beers. His friend is definitely sueing him. No one got hurt in the house. He must have been going about 70mph because the whole cement foundation of the house is ruined and his truck is obviously totalled.