
Is there anyone who is interested in starting a dyspraxia parrent support group?

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I wolud like to know if any parents with young children want to start a parrent support group where we can gather and let our kids mix around. I have a daughter who is 11 years old with mild dyspraxic and learning disability. From the website i came across so many schools , centers and programmes that run in overseas which can help them in so many ways. i tried to request them to have a one month course / training to the children and parents but we need a bigger group for them to accomodate our request. Every day and night i am in front of my pc trying all sort of websites , their programmes and i find that australian and uk have many ways of handling and dignosing these type of kids. I hope there are desperate parents like me out ther to join in with me. I am from Cameron Highlands, Pahang , Malaysia and over here ther is nothing, nobody knows what is dyspraxia. There are so many web sites on this topic and i'm suprised that they are not aware of it.Think about their future.




  1. would love to have helped, but live in uk, but even though we have local dyspraxic group, for kids and adults and Dyspraxic Foundation, beieve me, lots of people still have not heard of it.  Even when they get the info in black and white, it still doesnt son was told to organise himself, and start looking after his belongings, from a teacher......something he finds near impossible, and i am fighting education at moment to get him help with getting to senior school, he needs to cross 8 roads, 2 of them being busy major roads, which he has no chance of doing, but apparently he is going to wake up one day, and not be dyspraxic, or have that is really going to happen!!!!  Some people are just plain blind and would rather have us believe us as parents dont know anything, and are just making it up, any help i can offer just let me know, and its worth reading Caged in Chaos if you can get hold of it, written by a dyspraxic teenager.....full of hints ideas, my son even learnt to tie his shoelaces after an idea i read in the book..he is 10 and over the moon, and wants proper school shoes now, with laces instead of velcro

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