
Is there anyone who really believes in Vampires, for real??

by  |  earlier

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If you do, please tell me your beliefs and all about them, because I am very interested.




  1. Vampires are all to real and very, very dangerous... They are brutal killers and they have not concept of mercy..... Now no real vampire can turn a human in to one... So please don't allow yourself to suckered into believing that bull..... They butcher the human body to get that last drop of blood and leave your butchered body there to rot.... Now yes you can see what a vampire really looks like via a mirror. but while you are looking they are looking forward to butchering you... So run, I am tiresd of telling every one what a real vampire is... But you can be sure that they nothing like you read in a book or see in a movie................

  2. No, vampires don't exist.

  3. of course they exist  

    people would realize that if

    humans would just accept that something is higher than them on the food chain

    I'm a Wiccan but also a quarter vampire and a quarter psychic

  4. I believe in vampires. But not your story book neck biting vampire, I believe in Elizabeth Bathory type vampire. She was COOL. I find vampires very interesting. There is too much to tell about vampirs and how stories and descriptions about them differ from culture to culture, so I suggest going to a library and finding books on vampires :)

  5. possibly

  6. Yeah Vampires exist.

    There usually called Sanguine, psi, or Hybrids.

    Sanguine drink blood for energy, can be done through animals and most have a blood doner.

    Psi's see aura's and feed off of people's aura's or energy.

    Hybrid is both the have drink blood and see/feed off aura's.

    To find out if you are a Vampire, you go through a  awakening usually durning puberty.

    Here are some websites...

    hope this helps :]

  7. I know for a fact that vamps are real. How do i know? Well, I'm one, my best friend is one & my boyfriend is one. I don't crave blood as strongly as my best friend & my bf doesn't crave it as much as me. Garlic does nothing to me i just hate the taste. Crosses don't hurt, i'm wearing one right now. Holy water...well, I'm not catholic but i doubt it will do anything to me. If you stake me through the heart, duh i'll die but so will humans. I can go out in the sunlight, i just prefur not to. & i don't need to drink blood like everyday. I just have a craving every now & agian. Hope i helped or gave you info or whatever.

  8. I believe in vampires. I also subscribe to belief in sasquatches and the three-headed jackalope that lives in my pantry. If you're interested, I can hook you up with some sweet pamphlets.

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