
Is there anyone who wants to help?

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My boyfriend and I got into a stupid fight...tomorrow is our 6 month anniversary but I already made plans to hang out with my friend about a week ago. I told him this today and he got all pissed at all. I asked if he wanted to stop by and see me in the morning, but I guess he took it the wrong way and told me that that was an insult to him...I told him to stop because he was making me upset and he was like why and i told him because he was making me feel like **** and he does it all the time. He took that the wrong way again and asked why are we ever together if i make you feel like **** all the time...and i told him because i love him. Sorry that was so long, but now he isn't talking to me because I'm a dumb ***. Anyone have any good advice on what I should say or do?




  1. Apologize and think before speaking.

  2. Well, you knew it was a six month anniversary, if they even consider it one with a boyfriend. You made the plans, he didn't.  

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