Some Days
Why is that some days I can only think
Of the times I could only do wrong.
I know that most days I did what was right,
I was a very good daughter all along.
Some days my mind slips to the times
When I was too tired or too busy or cross
And my words may have been a little to hard
Or the day that I thought I was the boss.
I must have hurt my momma those days
Oh what a pain that causes me now
All it would have cost me then
Was a little time, no sweat off my brow.
A kind word, a smile on that day
After all she was my best friend
What was I thinking on those bad days
Because a broken heart is hard to mend?
This brings tears to these blue eyes of mine
Thinking back to those yesterday times
Wishing I had the chance to do them over again
But for momma the last bells have chimed.
One thought I can keep close to my heart
Is that my momma was always forgiving
She loved me, and held me dear to her heart
And for her sweet love I'll keep on living.
Living the way she would want me to live
With lessons very hard learned
Remember daughter of mine
Live like your heart does yearn.