
Is there anyone willing to Sponser a ametuer motocross racer?

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my boyfriend is 21 years old and hes been riding since he was 6.. hes from New Orleans, got hit by the hurricane, his dad died and he broke away from it for a littlie while and wants to get back into it and go pro.. he already has had sponsers...




  1. Hey go to and make an account its easy just put pics on and race results and then applie for sponsors your probaly really good and also try and show yourself at races if your winning sponsors will come to you even at races. good luck and hope this helps

  2. Getting sponsor isn't easy and you really need to have the results to show to people before anyone will be willing to sponsor you.  Sponsors want to get their money's worth from the deal and your boyfriend needs to put together a resume of his achievements and events he is intending to ride and the one he has done well in.  Then he should go around to not only the motorbike based sponsors but the local community.  One of my sons first sponsors was a large building material company.  

    If he does manage to get a sponsor especially in the industry then you have to make the sponsors see that they are getting something back.  That means putting in race reports after every race.  Turning up to race with a clean bike and gear and looking professional.  There is many levels of sponsorship that he could get from the motorbike dealers in the area and generally they will offer 20% of all items purchased to most people who race competitively if you ask.  If you get put on a higher level of sponsorship you can get bikes on race plan which usually means the bikes are bought and you get them at a largely reduced cost and usually dont have to pay till the end of the race season. You get your first set of gear given to you and other items and most other things at a heavily discounted price.  But if lucky enough to get full sponsorship then you get bikes given to you.

    But basically it is just a case of putting your ability (or your boyfriends) out there and asking.  But keep in mind that you will get a hundred knock backs as everyone wants sponsors.

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