
Is there anything House members can do that Senators can't?

by Guest64284  |  earlier

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As I recall, only the US Senate votes on judges and international treaties, while the members of the House of Representatives do not.

But is there anything that goes the other way? That is, is there anything that members of the House do that Senators do not?




  1. Members of the House can go to lunch with 434 of their colleagues. A Senator can only go to lunch with 99.

  2. All bills originate in the house.

  3. Yes, they can poot in perpetuity and perplexing phenomenal

    f**t worthiness.......

  4. declare war theres a list of them i just cant remember

  5. House is in charge of the finances, spending.

  6. When they have a tug-of-war they can have more than 50 players on a side.

  7. Most bills can originate in either chamber, but tax bills must first come from the House.

    Article I Section 7:

    "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills. "

    Also, only the House can vote to impeach. The Senate acts as the jury.

  8. Yes, they can vote to impeach (just ask Bill Clinton).

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