
Is there anything I can do? {Girls only!!}?

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I am 12 almost 13 and I have not started my period yet, but I have started puberty. I mean I have some armpit hair, some hair down there, I get discharges sometimes, and I have breast buds. I got breast buds when I was around 9 or 10. Almost every girl I know has bigger b***s than me and sometimes tease me about my b***s. Is there anything else I can do?




  1. Nope, unfortunately. I was like that too...but now, I have great b***s! It gets better as you get older, and your b***s will be perky longer!

  2. of course put some ice all over your niples and then l**k them this would help you a lot

  3. Nope.. It'll happen.. Just make sure you aren't over or under weight.

  4. No sadly there isn't. And I know what you are going through. The same thing with me is going on to. But I'm 14. =]

    So we just gotta wait until it's our time and don't rush into it because once you start you wish you didn't.

  5. Just let mother nature do her job...She'll grant you your 'gift' any momment.

  6. yea chill and enjoy your life

  7. Unfortunatly not hun. You obviously have sighns of puberty, which is usually a sign that you will start periods soon. But they just happen , there is no way to speed the process along.

    As for the kids teasing you, it shows their immaturity, so dont worry about it. I know it's easier said than done, but if you dont let it affect you, it not only shows your maturity, the people will eventually get bored (as they see it's not affecting you) and so it should hopefully stop

  8. Relax, your time will come

  9. I wouldn't wish a period on anyone.

    Believe me, it'll come. And when it gets here, you will want it to leave.

    As far as your b***s go they're grow over time, and if they don't, it's just something you have to accept.

  10. everyone develops at different times, and you are perfectly normal. some people dont start their periods until they are 16 so dont worry.

    if you realy are worried you can see a doctor or do some leg and abs and tummy exercises.

    and about the teasing, ignore them. you are probably further ahead in puberty than some of the others.

    GOOD LUCK!! -X

  11. Well I'm 13 and haven't started my period yet either.  I'm a little more developed than you, I guess, not quite B-cup yet, but close.  I suggest you buy a few padded bras over the summer.  That makes your chest appear bigger, and when you start school  everybody will just think you developed more over the summer.  Try the padded bra.  They are really comfortable to me, so they probably will be to you, too.

  12. Eat healthy, exercise right, and everything should be fine.  I am almost thirteen and I didn't start mine either.  My mom teases me about it cuz my younger cuzin by a year had hers before me.  It was so akward!  It will happen, personally I don't want it to come!

  13. no you only could wait but don't worry it will come

  14. I'm exactly like you, I just turned 13 on the 18th. Yeah, I'm sort of behind with other girls. I was reading this book and there was this great comeback that I plan to use... it was:

    Mean person: "Why don't you have any b***s?"

    You: "I lent them to a good friend of mine who needed them more than I did. Maybe a friend of yours will do the same for you."


  15. just wait it will come

  16. no, i didnt start my period til i was 14 and i had hit puberty by your age. i didnt have big b***s before, but once i got my period it seemed like my b***s were on steroids and now my b***s are bigger than pretty much everyone in my grade, im 15 by the way. and trust me, you dont want your period.

  17. Just be patient, sweetie. Trust me, your period when it comes will not be so exciting. Just be patient.

  18. No. Just let nature take its course.

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