
Is there anything I can do...? Need Help!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I'm 39 weeks pregnant and have the following dilemma. I only have 6 weeks paid sick leave from work and want to spend most of after the baby is born. But I'm exhausted from getting up at 5 am every morning and working all day long on my feet. So I want to go ahead a nd take off work soon so I have a few days to rest up and save energy for labor. My doctor wants to induce me next week if I haven't gone into labor yet. He said he would have done it this week except my cervix isn't favorable yet. He said I'm only 1 cm dilated and barely 50% effaced. My question is, what can I do to make my cervix more favorable so he will be able to induce me next week? I want tomorrow to be my last day of work, but am afraid to take off too soon and not have enough time with my son when he is born. I need to make my cervix "favorable for induction"!! Please anything you know of!!




  1. s*x!

  2. You can try s*x, if your doc hasn't told you not to.  Also, walking works wonders, just try to keep up a steady pace.

    Good Luck

  3. i am starting this today since im now 37 weeks and i am being induced in 12days hopefully...

    Evening Primrose Oil

    What is Evening Primrose Oil?

    Native to North America, the Evening Primrose is so named because its yellow flowers bloom in the evening. This plant's oil is extracted from the seeds and placed in capsules.

    What does Evening Primrose Oil do?

    Evening primrose oil helps to soften the cervix by providing prostaglandins and the components the body needs to make prostaglandins. This can help to ripen a cervix to help encourage labor or to speed labor.

    How do I do it?

    Evening primrose oil can be taken internally near the end of pregnancy. It can also be massaged directly onto the cervix if ripening is desired.

    NOTE:| Evening primrose oil should not be taken until after 37 weeks of pregnancy.

    Some sample evening primrose oil uses:

    Daily massage after 37 weeks: Squeeze oil out of capsules. Apply the oil to a clean finger and carefully insert in v****a to rub the oil onto the cervix.

    After the 37th week, take one 500 mg capsule orally three times a day.

    In early labor, massage the cervix with a finger dipped in evening primrose oil.

  4. You can eat mango, papaya, and especially  pineapple on a empty stomach. there is something in those fruits that can help open the cervix. they say pineapple is the best all must eaten on there own.

  5. First, stop thinking about how much sick time you have and start thinking about you and the baby. If your body is not ready, it is not ready. I know and completely understand that you want to spend every last minute with your sweet little one but dont rush what isnt meant to happen right now just because you dont have the sick time.

    Listen to your Doctor and take care of you and your baby. Your Doctor can help things along when the time is right. Dont take would never be able to forgive yourself.

    I wish you lots of luck with your baby!

    PS If the baby is ready, the best thing is walking/standing to bring on labor. (and having s*x!)

  6. Drink raspberry leaf tea, or take the supplements, they are not to be taken in the first or second trimester, but they certainly helped me, they are supposed to help you have a shorter and easier labour too.  

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