
Is there anything I can do about constant calls for previous person to have my number?

by  |  earlier

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We just got our phone (landline) number about 2 months ago. It is unlisted and in the do not call registry. However, we get 6-12 calls per day, mostly from collection agencies, for the person that used to have this number. Which is odd, since it was out of service for a year before we got the number.

They will not stop. When I tell them the person doesn't have this number and we just got it two months ago, they must think I'm lying, because they call again and again.

I don't want to request a new number, because too many people already have our phone number.

Is there anything I can do?




  1. Call your land-line phone service provider, and request that this number (The person calling you) is blocked as its causing a nuisance.

    I had to do the same.. Hope that helps


  2. I had the same problem 7 years ago. It took about a year. It's not your fault the collection agency doesn't believe you. Try to be patient. Keep on telling them you  just got this number.

    If they ask for the person by first and last name, you can also try to look up that person on the internet and write down all the addresses and phone numbers related to that name. The next time the collection agency calls, give them the information.

    I did this and the colleciton callers were really appreciative and stopped calling for a long time.

    The next time someone called for the people (5 years later) I asked "is this the collection agency again?" to which the people answered "I hope not! They're good friends of ours." to which I reponded "Then why don't you have their new number?"

    All calls finally stopped but it took the first year for the daily collection calls to decrease in frequency.

    Good luck.


    Collection agencies are not governed by any do-not-call listing. The only thing you can do is somehow persuade them to stop calling, or change the number. Sorry.

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