He's my cousins son, about 8 years old now. He's the worst behaved child I've ever encountered. When he was 5, he told me to go f*ck myself. Last christmas, he looked me dead in the eye and said "Give me what I want right now, or I'm going to b*tch slap you with my c**k!" (He's always been allowed to watch whatever he wanted on tv, which is where i'm sure he got the language) His parents laugh it off as a phase- a phase thats been going on as long as the kid could walk and talk, and he's only getting worse.. They refuse to discipline him, saying that they only believe in positive reinforcement, so they ignore it when he misbehaves. Knowing his mom, she's just too lazy to do anything about it. The only time I've ever disciplined the kid was for trying to steal my wine (and all I said was no, you may not have that), he flipped and broke half my aunts good china. His mom yelled at me for upsetting him!
Anyway- is there anything I can do at all? Even just to change how he speaks to me?