
Is there anything I can do about the garbage people throwing my recycle bin?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I were walking out the front door this morning and saw the garbage man throwing our recycle bin back on our sidewalk from the other side of the road. I had been wondering why there was a huge crack up the side of it. I put a soda can in it the other day and I guess there was some soda left because it leaked through the huge crack onto my hardwood floors. This can't be all right, I mean I think the recycle bin belongs to the county but if something happens to it then we have to pay to get another one. As we were leaving I saw him throw someone elses back into their yard. Is this what they're supposed to do? Everytime he throws it, it gets more and more damaged.




  1. The local borough council are the owners of the wheelie bins and should replace damaged bins.  

    You need to contact them tell them you witnessed them throw your bin and now you have a crack in it which is causing items to fall out and request as it is their bin men throwing the bin around which has caused the damage they should come and replace it.

  2. I agree with the previous poster suggestion to report the activity and ask for another can to be provided free of charge. If you have a digital camera it would help to get some pictures and a movie clip and send them in with your complaint. You should get a new can out of it and hopefully stop the garbage guy from doing future damage.

  3. Complain to the Director of Public Works for your municipality. If you want, you can filter your complaint thru whoever represents you at the municipal level.

    I had a beef with the garbage collectors in my township onece and happened to mention it to the Code Enforcement Officer, in passing. (If I'd been really P.O.ed, I would have gone to the Director of Public Works directly.) The word got passed and the problem was cleared up. Granted, it helped that I was on good terms with the director. I've also gotten problems resolved by going thru the Township  Manager.

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