
Is there anything I can do about this?

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My mom's boyfriend is a control freak. He thinks the he has the power to decide:

-Who I date

-What time I go to sleep

-What time I wake up

-What time I should come home from my boyfriends [I NEVER come home later than 8pm]

Is there anything I can do to stop him controlling my every move?

Any serious suggestions are welcome...

Thx in advance!




  1. You need to tell him that he is not your father, and he has no right to make decisions for you.  Only your mother and you should make the decisions when it has to do with you.  Also, tell him that your room is your space, and he has no right to violate it, and that he needs to back off.  Tell him straight up how you feel and he will most likely back off.

  2. tell your mother, he's not in control of to him about it...thats really the best i can do!


    just remember communication is the #1 thing

  3. well talk to your mom and tell her how you feel about her boyfriend and if she can talk to him about it

    if he doesn't stop stand up to him he isn't your real dad

    i hope this helped  hope it works good luck

  4. I think you should have a calm talk with your mother.  Is he treating her this way, too?  If so, you might tell her that you think you both deserve better treatment than that.  

    I am very concerned about him going into your room.  I do not believe he belongs there at all.  Perhaps I'm jumping to conclusions because I've seen some bad things happen to friends of mine with their stepfathers/mother's boyfriends, but I think if you are a teenage girl, your mother's boyfriend does NOT belong in your room.

  5. Sit down and have dinner together.. (Hint: make it yourself, and make it simple) Tell both him and your mom in advance that you want to talk to them about that situation but do not go into details with either one of them about the specifics..  (This helps them think about the situation on their own and allows you to gather your thoughts before either one of them tries to persuade you into thinking something different).  

    At the dinner, tell your mom's boyfriend how you feel about the situation (without accusing him).  Always try to keep an open mind to his opinion and try to remember why he is trying to be controling: he cares about you, he is worried about you, or he may just feel it is his responsibility to care for you..  Communication is the number one thing to get all relationships to work..  

    Start by stateing how he feels, "(Mom's boyfriend), sometimes it feels like you are being a bit controling of my life, and I understand why.. I know you care about me and I know you are worried about me..  I just feel that sometimes it gets a little bit obsessive.. I really like you, but sometimes.. " ect ect..

    Don't be afraid to look him directly in the eyes and tell him how you feel.. If he does not care about how you feel, he is not worth your mom dateing him.. Offer somethings that could help be less controling.. and give him some examples of times where he has been too controling..

    I really hope this helps.. GOOD LUCK

    please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions

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