
Is there anything I can do to calm my acne down for a few hours?

by Guest56733  |  earlier

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I'm seeing someone who was a very, very close friend to me a few years ago tomorrow morning. They're flying somewhere and have a 12-hour layover near me.

Last time I saw them, my skin was perfectly clear. I'm really embarrassed to let them see it right now because I'm in the middle of a big breakout.

Is there anything I can do to take at least the redness down for just a while? I don't care if it only last a little while or makes it worse in the long run, I just want to look like how she remembers me.




  1. Ok hunny, i'm not sure what you can do before tomorrow, why not book an appointment for the doctors to get it looked at so then it's gone in the future and you won't have to worry about it next time you see someone. Personally i don't mind people with acne. But maybe try tee-tree.. make sure it is ok to put on your face ( read the bottle lol x )

  2. i wish i knew the answer to this.

    i've not even called my 6 year long bestfriends

    in 4 years because of my skin.

    it used to be perfect but now i have

    bad acne.

  3. i cant see u but odds are she wont notice. but drink as much water as possible. basically drown yourself. that will definitely help. and though this wont help you now... order noredol. it will almost instantly works for redness

  4. Often fewer products are better.  People often make their acne worse by using too many products.  There is no quick fix for acne.  Your doctor may recommend some prescription medication.  Keep your face very clean.  Drink plenty of water.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  Try to reduce the stress in your life.  Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.   Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.

  5. first, i would put some ice in a plastic bag and hold it onto the areas that are breaking out the most. this will hopefully reduce the redness/bumpiness. also, i would put some toothpaste on the break outs before bed. it will dry them out so they don't get any worse.

    avoid overwashing and touching the blemishes too much or they'll get worse!

  6. hi i have really bad acne and i use proactive solution but for those annoying 1s i sometimes just wash my face really good with soap and water and if that dont work and u got 5-10 mins use ice put a ice cube on them and it will reduce redness and  the swelling affect acne has on your skin

  7. If you have a couple days to prepare, get a hot washcloth (as hot as you can stand it without buring your skin). Place it on your face for 10 second intervals a few times a day. Get a mud mask from the facial isle at Walgreens or Walmart. Use that only once a day (you don't want severe overdrying), then use Physoderm (face soap in a pump bottle). Repeat these steps a couple times a day, but only use the mud mask once a day. Your break out should clear up in about 2 days. Use lots of moisturizer, I think they're all about the same, and you'll be looking great in no time. Oh, and avoid the soft drinks like the plague! Drink lots and lots of water.

  8. aww that sounds sweet

    and what u should do is buy (or borrow) loreal mineral cover up

    it doesnt really show

    and it works good

    or the covergirl liquid cover up

    in ur face shade of corse

    and put tooth paste on them so they can swell down and become less noticable

    also put on red pepper juice if u have it

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