
Is there anything I can do to stop my car from being repossed?

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I am 9 days late and can make my payment in 6 days but my lender company just won't work with me.?.?




  1. Is there no grace period? Ask to speak with a supervisor and explain to them your situation. Beg them to allow you to pay! I am sure they will work with you if you are only one month behind on payments. You just need to talk to a different rep!

  2. First try to talk to a supervisor or manager of the finance company.Explain to them your situation and you are sure that you'll get your payment within 6 days.

    The best thing after all,offer a postdated check over the phone

    for the day that you're sure your money will be in your account.

    If they are still saying no

    email me I can tell you what is the next thing to do

  3. 9 days of the 4th month late?  Nobody reposses a car for a 9 day late payment.

  4. Can't be. We used to carry some inhouse paper and on a few Sam Shady types the standard saying was get enoungh down and hope they miss the first payment, because of the equity position we were in. That was not my business practice, I built more than a few into finanable customers who bought through Chrysler Financial or Banco and a couple even made it to SACU.

    Park your car at a friend not listed on the credit application if you are really worried, what you probably have is a second teir finance company that always talks tough if you are late, they don't want that car any more than you want to lose it.

  5. Talk to the shop owner,

  6. Nobody is going to repossess your car if you are only 9 days late.  You must be a lot later than 9 days.  You can normally go up to 29 days late and still not have it reported as late on your credit report; that doesn't happen until 30 days late.  If you are 1 to 29 days late you are merely late; if you are 30 days or more then you are delinquent.  There is a difference.

    If you had a car payment due on June 17 and here it is June 28, nobody is going to repossess anything at that point.  Something else is going on here.

    Tell them you will be making a payment to bring the account current in 6 days.  Then hide the car in somebody's garage and run out the clock for 6 days.  Make the payment, then drive out of the garage.  Done deal.

  7. Yes there is something you can do to keep it from being repossessed. Make every payment on time.

  8. Bury the car underground and plant some shrubs over it. they would never suspect

  9. They will repossess your car if you are over 90 days delinquent- not 9 days. You have to be late 30 days for it to even go as a mark on your credit as being late. 9 days is nothing to work with. You have no reason to work with anyone. You're late but not late enough to make a difference.

  10. well they shouldnt come and get it but you never know.... best to pay up even a part of it might help.... and best you think about a new place to park it til you do

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