
Is there anything I can get at salon that can help my dark hair dye fade faster??

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I need my hair color to fade a lot more ( I got it dyed about 5 days ago and the stylist did WAY too dark of a brown) and am wondering if there is anything i can get in the salon like a clarifying shampoo to make it fade faster? I don't want a color correction or anything like that (already tried and all she did was put highlights in) I just need it to fade a lot if not just a little bit. Any suggestions?

And yes, at home I have done everything in my power to make it fade:

1. Prell Masks/ shampooings

2. Hot olive oil rinses/masks

3. Hot water, hot water, hot water

4. Dawn shampooings

5. Vinegar rinses

6. Deep conditioning

7. Soaking it in milk (even hot milk)




  1. Head and Shoulders clarifying shampoo :)


  2. get highlights hun, thats all i can say


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