
Is there anything I can put on to stop this?

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I'm allergic to jewelery like the cheaper stuff. Like diamonds and pearls im not allergic to but everything from claires and icings I am. I like some of there stuff. Is there anything I can put on my wrists or neck or fingers or ears to stop the bumps and rashes from wearing the jewelery. Like for graduation I wore a necklace and my whole neck got red and itchy and bumpy.




  1. You should probably save up and buy the real stuff.

    Quality is better than quantity

  2. if you're having bad reactions to certain things then you should really avoid them, but an anti-allergy medication should help

  3. me too.  i have a pretty bad allergy to nickel.  which is in all the really cheap stuff.  There's this stuff that you put on jewelry to make it not react with your skin, but its exactly like clear nail polish, so I wouldn't waste your money on it.  But you have to reapply the nail polish almost every other time you wear the jewelry cus your skin rubs it off, even when its dry.  And if you get the rash again, go to a dermatologist and they can give you a cream or something to clear it up in like 2 days, its pretty cool.  = )

  4. Isn't it obvious? Buy real jewelry?

  5. You have to wear sterling silver or "sensitive solutions" from claires...i have that too, but not to the same extent as you. I can only wear gold or sterling silver and sometimes the sensitive solutions. The earrings will tell you on the bottom or the little package thing if they are for sensitive earrings or not...hopefully that helps?  

  6. There are several products that you can buy at local crafts stores to coat the fake jewelry..

    I have my own jewelry business and I use it all the time..

    Some people say a few coats of clear nail polish can help but it chips easily... Only other suggestion is to stop wearing fake jewelry all together

  7. maybe if you put banaids on your fingers and rist but i think you should go to the doctor to ask more question  

  8. There is nothing you can do besides to stop wearing the cheap jewelry.  I am the same way and I just have to save my money to buy the real stuff.

  9. There's not a whole lot you can put on your skin, but you can coat necklaces, rings, and bracelets with a clear coat of nail polish. (I do NOT recommend this for earrings, however.) The only downside is that you have to re-apply it when it starts to wear off.

    Hope I helped! :D

  10. put clear nail polish on it its probably made out of nickel the metal

  11. My friend has skin just like yours, she's also allergic to fake metals. If only one part of the neclace is fake you could just put some clear tape around it.

  12. i have sensitive skin too..i just save my money up for the real silver/gold because its worth it it doesn't break my skin out

  13. lol  

  14. same with me ! Ive been meaning to put clear nailpolish on jewlwery so there is no plain metal touching my skin . hope this helped !

  15. You allergic to Nickel, like me.

    You have to get the hypo-allergenic stuff. Ask the people who work there, if your not sure.


  16. you need to wear real gold or 100 percent sterling

  17. no, if youre sensitive or allergic to certain things you must just simply avoid them!

    seriously dont do yourslf any harm!

    like someone with a nut allergy wouldnt try and find the best way of eating nuts cos they really liked them now would they??!  

  18. ?????

  19. Pour clear nail polish on over the jewelry.  

  20. paint the jewelry with 2 coats of clear nail polish.

  21. I also have the same problem. The only solution is to only wear gold, silver or stainless steel. I have been diagnosed with hyper-sensitive skin, which is what you may have. I also have a problem wearing wool or cashmere sweaters.

    On a positive note... it gives you a good excuse to treat yourself to some nice jewelry.

    If you do happen to have a reaction to something and want to take medication to clear it up, I recommend taking claritin or zyrtec. These are over the counter antihistamines that will help clear up your symptoms fast. You can also use a topical hydrocortisone to help relieve the itching.

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