
Is there anything I can take to lower my blood pressure? Herbal remedies or other?

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i have high blood pressure and no doctor to help me with this potential health risk. I'm currently on mediaction but I am nursing my baby. I am on Labatoral at the moment. But my prescription is about to run out. I need to find someone who can help me or offer low cost doctor visits in the Bend OR area. Were in the process of trying to get medical insurance. But, I don't have a current doctor. What can I do?




  1. a hot shower or hot bath will lower blood pressure instantly due to systemic vasodilatation. It will also increase heart rate, which would be a good cardio workout to boot. These effects are transient but repeated procedures may normalize the baseline BP, the way exercise does.

  2. Hello,

    There is a lot of research in to blueberries right now, indicating that they have the right kind of antioxidants to help with high blood pressure.

    You should also look carefully at your diet, and cut out salt, fried foods, fatty meats ... and have more fresh fruit, lean meat (chicken) ...

    Also, exercise (yes ... you get loads already!).

    How much time do you get to yourself? Even half an hour a day? Yes, you are a nursing mother, but stress doesn't help blood pressure. Talk with your partner and work out a way for you to get time for yourself each day - not as a mother, partner ... but just for you, doing something for you.

    Trust this helps,


  3. Rauwolfia Serpentina Mother Tincture is the best homeopathic medicine for lowering B.P. and is free of any side effects. Being a nursing mother you can easily start this medication immediately without bothering at all. You should take it thrice a day, 10 drops half an hour before meals. Take it regularly and get ur B.P. checked, increase the dose as per required. You must treat high B.P. immediately or else its gonna affect ur kidneys!! Take care n God Bless.

  4. My son has high blood pressure and this helped alot and should be taken at night and in the moring.Not a doctor but vitamin and herbal is the way I go!

    Calcium Magnesium Supplements

    Calcium and magnesium balance each other in the body and are two of the most important minerals that humans need to survive. Calcium magnesium supplements simply combine calcium and magnesium for quick and easy intake and absorption by the body.


    Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Supplementing with calcium helps the body in many ways. Calcium builds and maintains bones and teeth. It regulates the rhythm of the heart, eases insomnia, helps regulate the passage of nutrients in and out of cellular membranes, and assists in blood clotting. Calcium is also very valuable in maintaining proper nerve and muscle function, as well as normal kidney function. Current scientific research shows that it reduces the occurrence of colon cancer and reduces blood cholesterol levels.

    Calcium deficiency can result in arm and leg muscle spasms, softening of bones, leg and back cramps, brittle bones, rickets, poor growth, osteoporosis, tooth decay, and depression.

    The current RDA for calcium intake is 1,000 mg per day. Those who consume a fair amount of dairy products are usually hitting the mark. However, if you suffer from kidney stones, are a female athlete, avoid dairy products, or suffer from mild hypertension, supplementing your diet with around 500 mg per day of calcium might be in your best interests.


    Magnesium is a mineral that is potentially involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating the neuromuscular activity of the heart, maintaining normal heart rhythm, converting blood sugar into energy, and metabolizing calcium and vitamin C properly. Deficiency of magnesium can result in calcium depletion, heart spasms, nervousness, confusion, muscular excitability, and kidney stones

    The RDA for magnesium is 350 mg per day. Most people are deficient, as the average daily intake in humans is between 143 and 266 mg per day.

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    Calcium & Magnesium



  5. There is a healthcare clinic for people without health insurance in Deschutes County, Oregon, which I hope is near to you.  Here is the website:

    I have also heard that sometimes you can negotiate a doctor's fee.  The doctor can get a tax break for charging less.  

    If this doesn't work, call your social services dept.  

    You have a baby to care for and you don't want to risk stroke.  I don't know how high your blood pressure is or you medical conditon, so it would not be wise to get help from someone on the internet.  

    Also, sometimes a nurse practitioner has their own offices and they will probably charge less than a doctor would.  Also let them know you don't have insurance before you are seen.

    Also, call Catholic charities in your area.  If you cant' find it in yellow pages, call a catholic church.  They sometimes have free clinics for poor and uninsured and also sometimes have a mobile health van for the homeless which they could also see you.

  6. In 1998, three American pharmacologists who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine found that nitric monoxide dilates constricted blood vessels effectively and stimulate the blood flow of the whole body which leads to lowering the blood pressure.  

    Nitric monoxide is produced in your endothelial cells of the wall of blood vessels.  When nitric monoxide is released into the blood, it makes vascular smooth muscles relaxed and dilated.  As a result, the blood flow increases and the blood pressure lowered.  

    However, when blood vessels are forced to constrict repeatedly by smoking, stress and cold weather, the blood has to force its way through narrow blood vessels.  It could damage wall of blood vessels with red blood cells and platelets, which could slow the nitric monoxide production process and there will be not enough nitric monoxide in your blood vessels.  As a matter of fact, higher the blood pressure he/she has, lower the amount of nitric monoxide in his/her blood.

    Bitter melon is rich in special amino acid called citrulline which can increase the number of nitric monoxide, and vitamin C (76mg/100g) which can eliminate active oxygen quickly to keep nitric monoxide longer in the blood vessels.  Bitter melon is also known for its effect to lower the level of blood sugar, therefore it is said to be good for diabetics.  

    Once citrulline is taken into our body, it goes to the liver and then when citrulline is accumulated enough in our liver they change into the amino acid called arginine.  After that arginine is changed back to citrulline within the liver by the enzyme called PADI4 (Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase, TypeIV).  This process is repeated again and again within the liver, and nitric monoxide is produced as by-product of this process.  

    As it is very hard to synthesize citrulline within the body, we need to take them from our food, such as bitter melons, nuts and water melons.  

    Bitter melon is also rich in kalium which is known for lowering blood pressure as it encourages sodium emission.  Kalium is found in most of fruits and vegetables however kalium in bitter melons (260mg/100g) is more than double amount of the one in apples (110mg/100g).

  7. haw fruit lower BP

  8. There have been studies that link high blood pressure to a pinch of the major arteries that run through the back of the skull. Cranial sacral therapy might be able to help. I've been working with my Dad, and it's working for him, but I don't know if it will work for you. It also might be pricey it really depends on who you go to. Try for more information or a practitioner in your area. Good luck!

  9. Aside from diet and exercise, there are some herbs that are very beneficial for Blood Pressure. The most popular ones are Fish Oil, Hawthorn Berries, L-Arginine, C12 Peptides (from milk protein casein), Bonito Peptides, and Garlic.

    As far as Homeopathic options, you would want to see a Homeopathic doctor, since Homeopathy is based on your body in particular, not some generic thing that will help every person the same way.

  10. well my dear there is a lot you can do that is cost effective and easy and natural. you can manage your blood pressure using natural methods alone. here is a link to help you with some natural remedies.

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