
Is there anything I need to beware of?

by  |  earlier

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I've gone onto Freecycle to get rid of our concrete garage from our back yard, that will need dismantling.

I've got someone interested, I'm considering arranging for him to have a look this weekend, and then arrange a date to dismantle it and he can have it.

Do I need to beware of anything as I've never done this before.




  1. Wow, I'd never really thought about Freecycle and I had no idea that someone might possibly turn up to remove something as big as a concrete garage. Jeepers. Thanks for that.

    I'd suggest you need to take the perfectly obvious precautions you normally would when having a stranger come to see your property, such as clearing the garage first so he won't see anything worth stealing, eyeing him up pretty carefully when he arrives, and generally treating him as potentially someone casing your house rather than removing your unwanted garage. I'd put him through the "who are you and where are you from" pretty thoroughly, and I might just take a note of his car licence number too.

    After that you'll need to think about the physical aspects of the work if he's going to do it, such as what might he potentially damage in the process, of items that belong to you, if you have any accident or damage insurance, what happens if he drops something on is head (so he knows you won't accept liability for instance), and so on. I might also want to try and ensure that once he starts this process he won't get bored halfway through and fail to finish it. (Just steal the roof or something).

    After those simple considerations, I think things should be hunky-dorey.

    I'd like to know how it turns out!

  2. the dog ,apparently

  3. not quite sure what you are exactly doing but make sure you are there the whole time and give them like ice water and stuff


  4. is there something i should be aware of before i answer this question

  5. Just have someone else around the house when they come to look. You can also tell your prospective collector that others are coming to have a look when you arrange his/her viewing.  

    If you are happy for them to have it, then rather than revealing your work patterns, you can just specify weekends as then you are in "all day" as opposed to "popping in & out".


    If your gut instinct is that you don't want them around, then don't feel obliged to let them return. If you are made to feel uncomfortable, just fire off a quick mail to the moderator as they do take note of these things...

    Good luck,


  6. i hate to think of him as a criminal but i would watch him, take notes on him as well as what color/model his car, is and place all valueables out of the way. to me i can't trust to many people these days. expecally over the internet. just watch to make sure that he says what he going to do and then does it. also watch to make sure that he doesn't fake an injury to himself. that's the 2 major scames is one that fakes injuries and one that steals. it's a shame that you have to watch people that close but nowadays you just can't tell.

  7. I would only add to "Sir Richards" fine comments that you make it clear that he "Do no harm" and clean-up after himself when finished, some people don't have the manners their parents gave them. You are doing HIM a favor, not visa versa :)

    Its so bad around here they would ;

    "Steal a dead fly from a blind spider".

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