
Is there anything an American woman should know before marrying a British Citizen?

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Is there anything an American woman should know before marrying a British Citizen?




  1. That's a question I would like an answer to myself,  I have a friend who wants to come over, but she doesn't want to marry the man.

    (she doesn't trust him either & a little scared of traveling over)

  2. Are you sure you can really trust this guy?  Even tho you are getting married he still needs to provide proof of his ability to support you or you wont get residency.

  3. lol - read

  4. Where are you going to live?  In Britain or the US?  If Britain, are you certain you will be admitted and able to work there?  If in the USA, what is his immigration status and can he work legally?  How will you support yourselves in either country?   Just a few of the questions you should be asking yourself.

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