
Is there anything anyone would recommend eating besides fast food? I eat alot of it and its killing me.?

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Hi i am always on the go. My family always says eat healthier and what not however i feel that there is no time and i will end up eating like c**p. Is there anything you would recommend, i wanna eat healthy but i dont know where to start.




  1. look around, there are plenty more place to eat but fast nasty greasy c**p. open your eyes, not your mouth

  2. Well, if you must eat out, try getting a cheese-less veggie delite at Subway on wheat bread, with mustard or onion sauce, that is pretty healthy.

        Most of the time, you should try eating real food at home. Some are my favorites are bean burgers, mixed green salad with honey dijon dressing and toasted almonds. Try peanut butter on wholewheat bread, and hummus on veggies and pita chips. Mostly eat natural foods such as fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, legumes, and pulses.

  3. Take fruit with you every where. No preparation needed.

    Or prepare food at home in the morning or the night b4.

    Buy a roast chook and make sandwiches out of it. There is lots of things you can do.

  4. There are always healthy choices available at restaurants... you just need to make the choice to order them.

    You can also bring fruit, washed and cut veggies, raw nuts and a bottle of water with you to work/school.

  5. I know the feeling.  Being so busy definitely takes a toll on a person's health because it's easy to feel like fast food is his or her only option.  I also want to add in response to another post that foods like Top Ramen or Cup O Noodles are really unhealthy!  High in sodium and very little nutritional value... not good alternatives.

    The key to eating healthy while on the go is to plan ahead.  Try making a large quantity of food while you do have some free time-- maybe when you get home at night, or on the weekend.  Make lots of extra food that you can store or freeze, and then you've got pre-made healthy foods at your fingertips whenever you need it.  Making a big batch of a hearty veggie soup is a good idea, and freezes really well.  Or maybe a big casserole or your favorite pasta.  You can even put them in individual tupperware containers and stick em in the fridge, so when you need a quick meal you can grab it and go.  If you're not up for cooking, you can try buying a bunch of pre-made foods at the grocery store (like individual salads or prepared dishes-- stores like trader joe's and whole foods have great selections) and eat those throughout the week.  Even frozen dinners-- kashi for example makes some really tasty, and healthy, frozen meals.  Also keep in mind that fruits are easy to grab before you head out, also pre-cut veggies or nutritional bars like luna bars or clif bars, all make great snacks.

    I hope this helps, good luck!

  6. Eating fast food is like torturing your body. I recommend you stop right away. Ofcourse,you can eat is once in a while but on a daily basis is not health. It also wastes money. I suggest healthy choice,they are in a little box and easy to carry around. If you are a meat eater then Traders Joe's has a chicken wrap which is tasty and easy to carry and it is already made.

  7. if you want something fast its extremely simple...

    cup of noodles or top ramen

  8. You can start it by bringing your own food from home. Ask your mother to pack for you healthy foods which your mother always do. You surely get use to it. Is good that you realise now.

  9. Peeling a banana is simple and quick, yoghurt is quick and easy, sliced cucumber and tomatoes are quick ways to have vegetables, bread is a quick way to eat carbohydrates, and shaved chicken, tuna and mayonaise is a quick way to have protein. As a meal you could have a salad and chicken sandwich, followed by a dessert of a banana and yoghurt!!!

    You couldn't beat it. (Use wholegrain bread).

    Have some milk and muesli, and oranges for breakfasts, and try subway for dinner. I don't recommend 2 minute noodles or ramen.

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