
Is there anything as good or bad , right or wrong?

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Is there anything as good or bad , right or wrong?




  1. That which pains(physically,mentally, morally and socially) is bad. And which give pleasure (to heart and soul) is good.

    Every person know in subconscious state of mind what is good and what is bad.But modifies according to his convenience. That it-self bad.

  2. Yes.  Whatever increases Eternal Light is good/right, whatever causes it to flee is bad/wrong.  

    Light and its absence.... these have always and will always exist.

    Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, Virtue and Vice, Self-control and Disempowerment, Light and Dark.... these are eternal laws of the universe.  But the expression of these things changes, according to what humans are able to perceive and implement.  

    Also, the point is to judge for OURSELVES what is right and wrong, to determine OUR OWN actions, and to let the Light flow into ourselves.  That is why the perception of wrong in others is pointless, except to know that a person could benefit from some of your love and light.  Judgment/condemnation is kind of pointless, in other words... because such attitudes have no faith, love or hope... and faith, love and hope are the things that bring ourselves and others closer to the Lord (and his eternal Light).

  3. Yes.....

    I am good, you are bad....

    And this is right,so you are wrong..!!!!!!!


  4. yes definitely there is.

  5. 'Service, only; NOT OUR GAINS, ONLY.'

  6. In the relative state of phenomenal reality--Yes.

    In the absolute reality--None.

  7. Religion will sometimes dictate absolute rights and wrongs.  I do not know your religious affiliations so cannot answer you at this level.  For instance "Thou shalt no kill" would be an absolute wrong, and "Honor thy mother and thy father" would be an absolute right.

    However, where your religion ends, there is ethics.

    Ethics would suggest that there are things that are good and bad, but they are dependent upon all factors involved.  For instance, it could be argued that it would be wrong to fight (a bystander), but right to fight (for freedom).  One of the more popular approaches to this focuses on the intentions of the person deciding to do (or not do) something.

  8. nothing absolute.

    funny - under that circumstance - there is a word to describe it.

  9. yes. I myself decide for my acts.

    whatever other feel is not my concern , what i feel is more to me.

  10. yes, if before  doing something you ask your self if this was going to happen to me how would i feel or react, if the answer is good, that means wat u r doing is good.  killling animals is wrong.

  11. it's all in the perceptions of the individual.

  12. see, its all relative, good or bad  and right or wrong depends on three basic conditions, i.e., Desh, Kaal and Paristhithi, which means Place, time and situation. Whats good for an indian may not be for an American, what was good for ur dad when he was young may not be for you and what was good during the second world war may not be all that appropriate today !!  Mostly things are right or rather the best when they are being done, like ur dad might have bought a 2-stroke scooter in 1970 because at that time it was the best but the same is not right today.. hope i m clear enuf!!

  13. Yes, there are moral absolutes. Some things are wrong, and they're always wrong. For example, crimes against children, the mentally handicapped, anyone who is helpless and defenceless.

    Some things are right, and should be done.

    "If right is right, to follow right were wisdom in the face of consequence."

    People who say "everything is relative" are just looking for an excuse to do what they want to do and s***w everyone else. You know deep in your heart when something is wrong...if not, you have no conscience and are a sociopath.

  14. Yes, there is.


  15. think about it....without good there would be no bad.....without right there would be no would we define one without the other?

  16. Is there something that everyone can agree is good, and that everyone can agree is bad? Everyone can agree that being powerful is good for oneself, and everyone can agree that being powerless is bad for oneself. What is good to everyone's mind is oneself having power. What is bad to everyone's mind is oneself being powerless.

  17. only according to society.

  18. Naughty hit it dead on the head for me...nothing further I feel that I could add.


  19. Its your subconscious that knows what is good or bad or right or wrong... Its the mind of the person that ignores the subconscious part of it which knows the reality of everything or any of your deed.. you yourself contain the answer whether something is good or bad or right or wrong... just try and realise it!!!

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