
Is there anything connected to reason that you associate with the idea of love?

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I just can't find anything else to connect with the concept of love, except some terms related to... unreason




  1. Love is the state of caring for others and having them care for you. This relationship is the reason why the world is not in a state of total anarchy right now -it gives cause for unselfishness.

  2. I read this in a book I only remember this line but I like it.

    "She showed me a kindness beyond which reason would allow"

    Love is such a broad term.

    Is empathy love or do we need love to feel empathy?

    Yes it is frustrating to find something, it is totally unreasonable.

    "Love is the reason, the reason is love" I think that is a song lyric.

    It is kind of circular isn't it, like God is love & love is God.

    ooh Atheists don't believe in love perhaps?

  3. It is 5pm. and very very hot here, right now.  

    So  I the only thing I can associate with the idea of love , is an airconditioned room, and a good afternoon nap!  

  4. The idea of love itself is actually quite reasonable to me. Imagine a world where the best that could be hoped for between two people was a cordial politeness or social obligation to each other?

    Love makes relationships work, gives people incentive to go out and attempt them (despite the overwhelming odds against finding it 1/approximately 3,000,000,000) and even gives people reason to go back to them when they think there is nothing left between themselves. The world may run on Dunkin but it's love that actually makes people get out of bed to face the world in the first place. Sounds like a very reasonable reason to me

  5. have not found anything tangible that i can associate with the IDEA of love. the idea has so far vastly outstripped reality for me!  

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