
Is there anything criminal or would it be civil charges if i through out all my bf's stuff onto the street

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he more than deserves it




  1. Don’t throw it out. You could have some serious repercussions later. Tell the Land lord and he will normally take care of His c**p.  Plus if you throw it out you could get things like a huge littering Fine or destruction of property and just a lot of stuff you probably would prefer not to worry about.

  2. You might be charged with littering.  If you have given him plenty of notice and he's not collected his stuff, pitch it.

  3. i wouldnt throw it in the street. just box it up and leave it in the backyard or something. its probably just junk if hes not giving an effort to get it back. but still, it would be wrong.

  4. Just move and leave his c**p there.  If he is aware that you moving leave him one message that you took all your stuff out and his is still there is he wants them.  Let the landlord deal with the c**p.

  5. well if you throw his things out the window and they get damaged or broken... this is vandalism.  if you just throw them out of the house to the porch or something you are okay but if he had residency at your place... he lives there part time or anything like that, you cant legally get him out of the place until you evict him.  this sucks and is time consuming but it is the only legal way in that case.  the entire thing is a civil issue that i could take you to civil court over... but keep in mind that the vandalism would be criminal.  you have to give him notice to pick up his stuff and after about a month it is considered abondoned property.  if you keep it for him and he never picks it up you can also sell it off or charge him for storage.

  6. go to the police station and ask i know he can sue if you put his stuff outside

    but at the same time you should not have to be charged for leaving stuff in the apartment either if you gave him notice he should do something about it

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