
Is there anything else I could use besides WD-40?

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My elliptical machine is sqeaking really bad on one side, but I don't have any WD-40. Is there anything I could use that won't rust it or harm it?




  1. In a pinch I've used vaseline, cooking oil, olive oil, peanut butter and basically anything greasy will work until you get some wd40

  2. I have used Pam in a pinch.

  3. Don't buy WD-40 for your common squeak, it won't last that long.  WD-40 evaporates too quickly and the squeak will come back.  There are better products out there that do a better job.  The best I've found is lithium grease that you can get in a spray can.  For rusty bolts, WD-40 works fine but not for your common squeak that needs lubrication.

  4. probably the best thing you have available is vegetable oil.....or cooking spray (like pam)

    Vegetable oil should be used VERY sparingly, but keep in mind it will collect dust particles much worse than WD-40 would.

    Honestly I recommend going and buyin some WD-40, but f you MUST try something else......use veg oil.

  5. My life saver is PAM.   I spray that on anything and everything that squeks or rubs and I have never been disappointed.    You might want to pick up some WD-40 but PAM from the kitchen does the trick for me on just about everything.  :)

  6. yes they call it "graphite powder" its a dry greyish colored grease that looks alot like pencil shavings.  Local hardware stores have it and some auto parts stores.  Also wont make as big a mess as wd-40 will.

  7. 3 in 1 oil

  8. You could probably use a spray cooking oil, for a quick fix, but I wouldn't recommend as a long term solution.

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