
Is there anything i can add to my training routine?

by  |  earlier

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i train up to 5 hours a day for wrestling and sometimes i don't feel satisfied with my workouts

i usually do an hour of hardcore circuit training and then a steep hill-run

i really want to learn a good workout that will really boost my mental-toughness and overall toughness

please give me something very very intense

it can be for strength training or conditioning or power endurance

i want to be puking out my guts after this workout





  1. Start off early with some stretches, then go for a long jog, couple miles should do it.  eat hardy for breakfast.  Go through your training (your stances) move by move do each about 50 times (i do this with my swordsmanship).  Then start the intense stuff go for a longer run, do your push-ups (on your knuckles) until failure (you collapse) The your sit ups until failure.  Get after  a punching bad for awhile.  The take a break, small snack for lunch, take about an hour of closed eye focus, go through your sets in your mind, just relax.  The you should stretch again, jog again, then make sure dinner is pretty good, sets again, then get lots of sleep. EARLY

  2. Do interval training on a 400 m track.  Do sprinting, for example, do sets like this:

    800m, 600m, 400m, 200m, 100m and then do it in reverse (pyramid)

    or do sets of 400m and 200m.  limit your rests between each one.  

    If you want to get ridiculous on your weight training, instead of rests between each upper body work out, do pushups until you can't do anymore in between each set.  Good luck showering in the morning, it'll be an adventure.

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