
Is there anything i can do about Public storage selling my items after making a payment arrangment with me?

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Is there anything i can do about Public storage selling my items after making a payment arrangment with me?




  1. Was there a contract signed on both parts in agreement for payment arrangements? If so, they have absolutely NO RIGHT to sell any of your items & you have a law suit against them!!

  2. Anytime this happens, make sure you have the agreement in writing.  If not, they can easily say that no agreement was ever made and chances are, anyone of authority will side with them.  

    If you had the agreement in writing, they would be liable to compensate you for your belongings.

  3. If the payment arrangement was made in writing it is a contract.  Contracts cannot be broken in most cases.  Handshakes and and verbal agreements are worthless from a legal standpoint.

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