
Is there anything i can do before i take him to the vet?

by Guest64819  |  earlier

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Is there anything i can do before i take him to the vet?




  1. lol all we know is that its a bird.... what is the problem and what speciesis it......


  2. I don't know, what's wrong with him? you don't even say what species "him" is.

  3. I'm confused.  Is he a bird?  If so, what's going on with him that lets you know he needs a vet?  Or is this related to the puppy in your other question, in which case, why is this in the Birds section?  Most people are not psychic!  But if you think he needs to go to the vet, then put him in a carrier, call to let them know you need to come in, and take him there!

  4. welllll whats wrong with him???

  5. Who's "him?"

  6. Crate it or put a leash on it, or maybe you'd like to provide a little more info?

  7. i dont know.... but you should never try to treat your pet at home.... just take him to the vet....

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