
Is there anything i can do for depersonalization?

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I am 19 years old and im really looking for some help. Recently, i did something very stupid and smoked marijuana for the 1st time in my life. It was the worst mistake i ever made because it completely changed everything. Before this experience i never messed around with anything relating to drugs or alcohol. But when i did smoke i had a crazy panic attack. I didnt know what was going on i just wanted to die. After this experience i have been stuck with "chronic depersonalization" . I feel like im constantly in a dream and my mind is disconnected from my body. The worst symptom is that i feel like the world refreshes itself every couple of seconds. I hear this is a symptom of being high but i havent smoked since that time and im still feeling this way. Im looking for some hope and guidance. Does anyone have any success stories or ways of dealing with this? I really dont want to take meds i want to do this on my own.




  1. How recently? If it was relatively recent, then you should be OK - it will wear off... just don't do it again. You are at risk for psychosis if you continue. Schizophrenia is a very serious mental illness that strikes young people between the ages of 16 - 25. Some parents swear their kid was find until they did some kind of drug, and many times the drugs are hallucinogenics, of which THC is a milder form. You probably took in a lot of it for not having ever taken it, but basically it creates the same atmosphere in your brain as someone who suffers from schizophrenia, but for most people who smoke it, things to back to normal and they enjoy a brief time being altered. For some people, especially with a predisposition to this kind of illness, unfortunately it can be the thing that propells them into it, and then they can't come back from it. One time should not hurt you, but it's a warning that it is something you can't do. If things don't settle down in a few days you should go to a psychiatrist. Good luck.

  2. If it was caused by the pot it should wear off in time. It is connected to anxiety so reassure yourself that it will be ok and try to stay calm, panicking will only make it worse. If it doesn't go away then go see a therapist, there are therapies that help and anti anxiety medication can help some in chronic cases.

  3. I really don't know what to say here. I have used pot for 18 years and honestly have never had any "Schizophenic" problems,,,,EVER. And nobody I know ever has either. But like ANY other substance on this planet, legal or not, I know that it is not for everyone. If you think something bad happened when you tried it, don't do it again. But I really don't think you have anything to worry about. I do agree that it will probably wear off soon. I actually think alot of what you are experiencing now is paranoia over having tried it and it didn't go well. If you tried pot once and it somehow caused some kind of permanant mental damage, it would be the first case I have ever heard of in HISTORY. It just doesn't happen. Trust me, there's no need for any meds to try to fix something that isn't broken. You want problems, get on the anti-depressants the docs will prescribe you. It's all in your head kiddo, don't try it again and relax, your fine.

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