
Is there anything i can do.?

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My daugther is an open adoption. Her birthfather and I terminated our rights a year ago come this april. My other friend who's also a birthmother had to wait till her son was alittle over a year to be adopted because his father wanted nothing to do with him but wouldnt help her out by signing his rights ethier. I'm sure most of you know that when bparents have there rights terminated the foster parents can adopt the child. My daugther is 14 months old and is still not adopted her Adpt paretns are still fostering her. It's the county where she was born they are known for taking forever and now they they have fewer judges its impossible to get a court date. My case workers are trying to get them one but so far no luck. Is there anything i can do write a letter maybe talk to them. I know they hate it as much as i do if any has any idea's i could use them.




  1. Just keep doing what your doing

  2. I have to agree with Lara's response.  Unfortunately, the court systems move at a snail's pace when it comes to adoptions.  

    The fact that you are so supportive and willing to help probably means a great deal to the foster parents.  I know when we were going through our adoption and running into some issues, it was such a wonderful feeling for us to know how much the bio family was fighting for us also.  I know you want to do something more for your daughter and for her foster parents.  I would just let them know that you are willing to write a letter if they think it would help.  The offer to do so will probably mean a lot to them and your daughter.

    Take care.

  3. You are awesome!

    Where we are it is the same thing. It took the social workers for ever to get the surrendering date and then 9 months to get the adoption date. Still waiting for one. The best thing is to keep calling the social worker prompting her to call the court.

    Luckily their is less risk now but it is still nerve racking and annoying.

  4. just hang in their it will come thru is just slow going with so many different cases,,, be Patience and it will happen ok!!

  5. I was 18 months for us. I doubt there's anything you can do. They're bogged down with restraining orders and juvinal criminals. Adoption isn't "necessary" like dealing with criminals. It's a formality. Not their proirity. I know it can feel like it'll never end, but when it is that year or so won't seem so long.

    Good luck

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