
Is there anything i can do to help my boyfriend with boners?

by  |  earlier

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When he says he has to fix himself,

what should i do?? is there anything i should do to help it go down?? Or should i just stand there?? and were 13 soo i cant do to mutch but what do u think would help or what do you think i should do.




  1. If he is 13 then there is nothing you or he can do about it.  He faces another 15 to 20 years of unwelcome boners.

    They go away when you get married.

  2. His erection (proper term for "*****") is  his problem to deal with. All 13-year-old males get them, and always have, whether there are willing females around or not. A guy that demands you to help him with his "*****" is a loser.

    Find a boyfriend that isn't so willing to expose you to his random erections.

    Oh, are you going into 8th grade , or did you just leave 8th grade?  

  3. wrong section

  4. Yeah I'd let him deal with that on his own...

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