
Is there anything i can do to improve my soccer skills

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i'm not a realy good soccer player but it my dream to play for my high school, is there anything i can do to get better, any tips to improve proformance on the field.. please someone help me!!!!




  1. Yes, there is! Go to Europe!

    But seriously... First of all, soccer is played by a TEAM. So it's not just you! It's the team! You have to work together as a team. You have to really understand each other and help each other. This is the most important. Then of course, physical training is essential. Ball control also. Try to lead the ball without looking at it. It has to become a way of life, a type of instinctive behavior. Passing the ball from one player to the other is essential. Placing yourself in the field is also important. And also marking each player of the adversary team. For further info, and in-depth info you may try

    But the best thing is to get a good coach to train you. And watch lots of soccer games from Europe and South America. Pay attention to what you do and NEVER, I mean NEVER train yourself alone. Always under close guidance of an experienced and specialized coach. Otherwise it's easy to get seriously injured. Soccer is not, as wrongly perceived in the US a game for girls and small boys. It's a grown man's game with lots of possibilities for even lethal injuries. It's more dangerous then American football because the protective equipment is less almost none and the close contact collisions are even more frequent. Be careful! I have only played soccer on an amateur level but have "enjoyed" two fractures, and innumerable bruises, wounds and lots and lots of head bumps after "collisions" with oponents... Be extra- careful!

  2. haha alright man you gotta get running and playing..if you live near a beach you run there and dribble there because it shows you how to take lots of small touches...if you have sprints with the ball...if you have flat ground...start a pickup game...

    in my opinion the best way to learn is while in a game...sure you can learn some moves but you have to be able to execute them in a real situation...

    good luck its about have to love the game

  3. first try increasing your stamina and also try some easy soccer training moves like set up a bunch of cones in a straight line then go through then from one side to the other. like from left to right. also try your shooting skills also keep hitting the ball toward a wall that helps.

  4. Simply put...Run and dribble alot. Play games whenever you can and have fun.

  5. Marco, Pal to be honest with you.  RUN YOUR BUTT OFF!!!

    Dribble when you have the time,in fact carry a ball where

    ever you go. Stretch like your last name is Armstrong!

    RUN,Run, run, and run some more. You hating that word yet?

    You haven't run enough. Find a brickwall start practicing your

    passing and kicks. The wall is the best interactive training

    aid available. It will show you spin, speed, ball reaction you

    name it. Watch the ball react! You still running?  RUN,Run,

    run! Favorite word in your cussword vocabulary is run yet?

    I Think you get my Drift!! GET RUNNINING!!!!  

                   Your Burning daylight!!!

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