
Is there anything i can do to induce my own labor?

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i want my baby here now, is there anythnig i can do ?




  1. Just so you know there are things out there you might try but I would seriously advise against most of them as the could prove to be fatal for baby or you.

    To be safe your gonna have to wait it out... be thankful your not a female elephant they're pregnant for 23 MONTHS!

  2. 36 wks is really too early to have the baby! That is considered a premie, and if you have him/her now, he/she could spend days or weeks in NICU until the doctors think the baby is healthy enough to come home. Do not try to put yourself into labor...esp at this point!!! Besides, the baby will not come until it is ready to come, and the "hurry up" methods only work if you are close to going into labor...which you aren't. Do what is best for your baby, and stay pregnant until he/she decides she is ready to be born!!

  3. I understand the way you feel trust me but your baby obviously needs more time in the womb.  Be careful what you wish for.

    Try to relax and not be so impatient that just makes it more unbearable (I know).

    If you really want to you could try old wives tales like having intercourse more often, driving over train tracks and lots of walking and other physical activities.

  4. I was 10 days over due and trust me sweetie - sometimes those baby's has a mind of its own. He/she will come out when they are ready or given the eviction notice... =) Best of luck!!!

  5. If you google it you'll find heaps of things you can try, but unless the baby is ready to be born it is unlikely they will work. Also until 38 weeks the baby still is developing even though it is considered full term at 37 weeks. Wait until the baby is full term to try to induce labor, dont try and force poor baby out before its ready.

  6. Loads of walking might help . But trust me let the nature play its part here and you enjoy you intimate time with your little baby now before sharing with the world.

    Good luck !

  7. loads of s*x..seriously

    s*x helps basically tenderize your uterus and s***n helps thin it causing your water to break

  8. it doesnt always work for everyone but walking or having s*x helps getting things going. good luck.

  9. ok first you must know, this is when your babies lungs are finishing their development.  an early birth can cause breathing problems in your child. so just be patient and hope for a healthy baby!!

  10. If you were stopping to actually think about your baby for a second youo would know that s/he is not ready to come out yet, you still have a month to go yet!

    My son was born 5 weeks early and spent 2 weeks in hospital in an isollette with a drip and feeding tube because he was jaundice and underweight.... you dont want to have to go through seeing your baby hooked up to monitors and in nicu trust me it's not nice!

    You don't have long to go just rest and enjoy your slee pwhile you can an before you know it the time will come.

  11. how far along are you? you really want to have a premature baby?

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