
Is there anything i can give my dog to stop him breaking wind so much.?

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hes only 5 months old .i have another older dog of the same breed but iv never had a problem with him so any suggestions?





  2. Try charcoal biscuits.

  3. Change the dogs diet...speak to the vet and get advice.  

  4. Yes, like some of the others have said, try some charcoal tablets.

    You can get these from most chemists very cheaply.

    Also most pet shops do a charcoal dog biscuit which may help.

  5. Humans break wind so why not dogs? It's only a problem if it becomes excessive. It's usually a sign of either an upset stomach or wrong diet. You don't say what breed your dog is and that could have a bearing. When did this start; how long's it been going on; have you taken pooch to the Vet?

    Before trying any home remedies let your vet see the dog. It may be nothing at all but, on the other hand, it could be a sign of something. Trial and error with a variety of "remedies" is fine but you could be doing more harm than good and unnecessarily prolonging a problem that needs medication to fix.

  6. stop giving him so much gassy food  

  7. My dogs all farted when I first got them, but stopped when I changed their diet and gave them better foods!

  8. I don't know the answer but if you find a cure that works on adults please let me know, my problem since making a apple pie without sugar is bound to be worse then your dog's.

  9. It's most likely due to your pups diet. What do you feed him? A name-brand puppy food, like Science Diet, Purina, or Iams, from a vet or pet store will have the highest quality nutrition. Off brands say they're better but it's all a gimmick. No People food, they can't digest it and it can upset the digestive tract. Be careful how many treats he gets too. It wouldn't hurt to have a fecal check done to check for intestinal parasites either, they can upset that area as well. In the mean time turn the fans on.  

  10. Check your dogs diet. also make sure he is not eating outside plants.

    Get him some charcoal tablets.

  11. Change of diet maybe???

    And no human food.

    No scraps nothing...

    Good Luck.


  12. LOL


  13. pills

  14. yeah stick a corkscrew up its ****!!!!!!

  15. try changing his diet.

  16. you can get charcoal biscuits for dogs, plus there is a dried food you can buy which will cut down on stomach fermentation that causes wind, I know how you feel our dog used to do it she could clear a room in five minutes, it was bloody awful!! get along to a proper pet shop and they will help you.

  17. just because a dog is same bread, does not make them identical . I suggest introducing new foods to the dog with a problem as that is likely to be problem. Good luck. x

  18. EASY, change his diet. Just like humans, some foods (mexican, cheese, etc) cause more flatulence (gas) than other foods. Try a different brand of dog food. If you can afford it, use a higher quality food like Science Diet or Eukenuba. Your dogs will process more of this food and also produce less waste.

  19. Get A CATalytic Converter :D

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