
Is there anything i can take to help with fertility?

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I was wondering if there is anything i can get that may help with fertility.... have been TTC for 7 months. I mean, in the way of herbs, tes, etc that may help with ovulation and stuff like that.

Ps, i live in australia




  1. Try this site. She has many things that can help you conceive.  


          Baby dust you!!!!

  2. Yes , The clear blue fertilty monitor. It's an ovualtion prediction kit. It has a lot of success story of women who have been trying for years to conceive and conceived within a month or two of using it. It can help you too. You can get more information about it at and type in Clear blue fertily monitor. Good Luck.

  3. One of the best women's fertility products is Red Raspberry Leaf tea drinking one cup of the tea a day. Helps to boost fertility and your entire reproductive system. Make sure you are also taking a high quality prenatal vitamin and mineral as well. Best wishes, G

  4. ov tests and prenatal vitamins good luck

  5. Many herbs can be used to promote fertility. Herbs which encourage pregnancy are characterized by their ability to:3

    a. nourish and tonify the uterus

    b. nourish the entire body

    c. relax the nervous system

    d. establish and balance normal hormonal function

    e. balance sexual desire

    Red Clover Blossoms (Trifolium pratense)

    Is Susun Weed's favorite for dealing with infertility. Its high vitamin content is especially helpful to the uterus. Its abundant protein content aids the entire body. "Its profuse and exceedingly absorbable calcium and magnesium relax the nervous system and promote fertility."3 It contains an abundant supply of minerals - virtually every trace mineral needed by the glandular system to restore and balance hormonal function.

    It has the ability to alkalinize the body, and may balance the acid/alkaline level of the v****a and uterus in favor of conception. The normal environment of the v****a without the presence of fertile mucus is very hostile to sperm, very acidic which kills the sperm. Fertile mucus is normally alkaline, it nurtures, protects and guides the sperm toward the safety of the uterus, and is necessary for the sperm to survive if conception is to occur.

    Red Clover is often combined with Peppermint in infertility brews. Peppermint, spearmint, and other mints (except pennyroyal) are safe to use. They are mildly stimulating, they help to get the energy moving, and are pleasant tasting sexual stimulants.

    Alfalfa can be used in the absence of red clover but Susun finds it is not as effective.

    Nettle leaves (Urtica dioica)

    Nettles are a uterine tonic and a general nourisher with the special ability to strengthen the kidneys and adrenal glands. It is an excellent food and tonic for the hormonal system. Nettles is very high in iron and calcium and other minerals, plus it contains substantial amounts of chlorophyll. I think it would be good in combination with red clover and peppermint.

    Raspberry leaves (Rubus sp.)

    Raspberry leaves are an effective uterine tonic. It contains large quantities of calcium. It is a herb commonly used through out pregnancy and considered safe for this purpose. For promoting fertility Susun says that it is most effective when combined with red clover.

    Vitex (Vitex angus-castus) can help minimize the risk of miscarriage. It also works specifically by enhancing pituitary function, thus improving ovarian function and can help stimulate ovulation.

    Wild Yam Can be used during the first half of the menstrual cycle, from menstruation to ovulation to promote fertility. But should not be used during the second half of the menstrual cycle (after ovulation til menstruation begins) if your goal is to get pregnant. Wild yam has many uses, one of its reputed (but unproven) uses is as a contraceptive when used in specific doses through out the cycle. For more information about its contraceptive effects.

    Calcium and magnesium are the two minerals thought to be the most important in affecting a women's ability to conceive and maintain a pregnancy.

    Vitamin E is essential to the health of the reproductive organs. It normalizes hormone production. It is useful for increasing fertility in men as well as women. "500 to 1500 IU taken by the male partner for several months prior to conception has been shown to prevent birth defects in children of couples who've had defective children previously"3 Wheat germ oil is an excellent source of natural vitamin E.

    Zinc is an important component for creating vaginal fluid and s***n. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc. So both you and your partner can munch on them together.

    Acupuncture has been used successfully in treating infertility. It is very effective for removing stagnation and energy blocks.

  6. clomid is a fertility drug they can help with ovulation...hey ask your doctor do he/she recommend it.

  7. prenatal vitamins arent just for after you get pregnant they have alot of nutrients and things you need in them for a healthy baby and body. also increase your folic acid intake and start eating right and getting plenty of rest.  

  8. hey this isnt really for you it's for your hubby is that cottonseed oil has a chemical in it that lowers sperm count and slows down sperms mobility. it's found mainly in potato chips not a lot of people know about it i got an email about it a few months ago so he might want to lay off the potato chips or anything else with cottonseed oil for better chances. =D  

  9. The first place to start is to make sure your hormones are balanced. Go see a GOOD naturopath - not the fish-slapping sort ( I'm also in Australia and I had a progesterone deficiency. I was put on a natural progesterone cream that slowly increased my natural progesterone levels (unlike the synthetic variety which stuffs up my levels big-time. Which reminds me - were you on ANY contraception - particularly a progesterone implant? They stuff up your progesterone levels BIG TIME. The pill is OK because it keeps your cycle in stasis, whereas the progesterone contraception can really play havoc). I also needed to make sure that my body could also process the hormones properly, like oestrogen and progesterone cascades. Are you just losing all that hormone and unable to hold onto a pregnancy? (like I was, miscarrying most months because I couldn't hold onto the pregnancy). Check your bound and unbound progesterone levels and whether your oestrogen levels are abnormally high (alleviated by taking magnesium and Chromium). I was also put on some drops to assist my body processing the hormone increases. Once the body can process your natural hormone and minerals, then you've got a greater shot of falling pregnant instantly! Good luck.

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