
Is there anything i could or should do?

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Hi I'm 14 and am having trouble with my cola bone near my shoulder every time i lift my arm up it clicks and when i put it back down it clicks again.It used to only happen when i used my arm alot or when i have a shower but now its doing this all the time. Also when i put my finger their i can feel it pop and out and here the noise and when i put it down it like goes back in . Lately i have been getting annoyed by this and its been starting to hurt when i play sport ect... Should i do ssomething about this ???? or can i make it click less in a way ?? please help thanks :)




  1. You may have a torn ligament which holds bones in place. It could also just be pulled or stretched. The only thing you can do by yourself, besides having surgery by a surgeon, is stop using the arm to lift or throw things like a football. Rest it as much as possible and treat it with moist heat. Take a towel, soak it with very hot water, ring it out then place it over the side that is giving you the clicking sound and now pain. Do this until the skin begins to turn slightly red, then stop and massage it with some Aspercream if not allergic to aspirin. do this two to three times a day. You're young, so you should heal quickly, but you have to stop using it and making it to click in and out. I wish for you the very best young man and good luck.

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