
Is there anything i need to know about going to france??

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this summer i'm going to paris and i don't know alot of french can you tell me basic words and sayings? please? and if you can tell how it sounds thanks!! happy valentines day!




  1. Bonjour - hello

    Au revoir or Bonne journée - good bye

    S'il vous plait (pronounced "see voo play") please

    Merci - Thank you

    je voudrais... ("juh vu dray") I would like... (then point at whatever it is you want)

    Ou est....? ("oo a") Where is ....

    That should be enough. The fact is that in Paris almost everyone in the hospitality industry speaks english well enough to take care of basic business.

  2. I suggest that you pick up a simple English to French dictionary at your local bookstore. They're cheap, they cover a lot more useful phrases than you'll learn here, they include pronunciations, and you can easily take one along on your trip.

    Two other tips:

    1. Be prepared to spend liberally. Paris has gotten quite expensive if you're an American due to the decline of the dollar.

    2. Forget the Metro when practical and walk everywhere that is within reasonable distance. There is far too much to see to waste your time looking at a lot of subway walls.

    Have fun! I just got back from Paris and it was a blast!

  3. Bonjour! voulez vous couche avec moi?!

    mange jambon, fromage, avec croissants?

    je m appel escargot!

    au revoir! merde!

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