
Is there anything i should know about taking care of a betta fish?

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Is there anything i should know about taking care of a betta fish?




  1. Dont put two together in the same bowl,  found out the hard way they fight to the death.

  2. they are tropical and need heaters

  3. Uh

    -they can go at least 3 days without eating

    -don't put with any other fish

    -you only have to clean there tank about 1 a month or 1 every 2 month. depends how much food is left over after eating.

    that's pretty much all i know

  4. DO NOT keep them in bowls, that is fish abuse. there is no filter to get rid of waste in a bowl, nor is there a heater (bettas are tropical). there is not enough space for them to move, either. same goes for vases (bettas are carnivorous so they shouldn't be forced to eat plant roots anyway). here is the ideal setup for a betta (one betta, male or female)

    5g/20l+ heated filtered etc tank, a normal shape/size and not a tall hex tank or anything like that

    live plants are good

    you can put in a small mirror once and a while for a male to flare at his reflection

    meaty live/frozen/freeze dried/pellet food

    here is what to do if you want two males

    10g/40l+ heated filtered etc tank

    separator with holes (so it doesn't impede water flow)

    meaty food

    heres what to do if you want a group of females

    10g/40l+ heated filtered etc tank

    group of 4+

    meaty food

    if you want to breed bettas, only have them together during the actual breeding process. house them together permanently, and one/both might get killed/injured

    heres how to breed bettas

    bettas don't eat plant leaves! they get most of their oxygen from the air (labrynth fish), not from chewing plants!


  6. Dont get just any bowl go to a petstore and get a tank with a lid or they can jump out because they are blind in the night. If your looking to add a little something for the tank there is a plant called a banana plant which if the betta eat the leaves itr gives them extra oxgen. Feed them every other day. do not but them with anyother fish. dont but them in direct sunlight. put them out of reach from cats/dogs or anything that could tip them over! Good luck! oh and i have no clue what its called so this probably isnt helpful but there are these bottles with liquid  in it that helps them become calm after you clean there tank and helps scales become healthy and shiny and only use distilled water not tap or spring!

  7. well theyre basically the same as any other fish--they basically only need food and a tank to live in and are as happy as...well a fish lol

    you just you have to remember to keep only one (male) in a aquarium because they are also known as japense fighting fish and WILL fight

    just for the warning the WILL kill each other if this happens lol

    anywyzz GOOD LUCK!!!


  8. not relly just put in a bowl of water but make sure that water has no chlorine or chemicals and just feed it and clean its tank or bowl every month

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