
Is there anything i should know before going to new york city for the first time?

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any safety precautions?




  1. Don't look anyone in the eyes while waiting for the subway. trust me. Don't put your wallet in your back pocket. Don't buy the knockoffs that you see on every street corner, they are made in china by kids getting paid pennies a day at factories. Watch out for the huge crowds.Be sure to eat a hot dog, pizza, and bagel because they're only good in New York and New Jersey, (it has something to do with the water) Don't go to Central Park alone (ESPECIALLY at night) And remember although you should follow the safety tips i said, NYC really isn't that bad if you don't go to any bad areas. Also, after living/ going there very often, you still have the respect that New York City is the greatest city in the world, but its not as much of a novelty anymore.  

  2. New york city can be very hectic, however, one major thing is that it's VERY difficult to find parking so if u come, don't rent a car. If u use the subways, be careful b/c there are a lot of crazy people using trains and it's a little filthy, but that's expected since nyc is so big. Make sure u don't walk around in empty streets during the nighttime. But other than that, their is nothing u really need to worry about. NYC is a nice place, people are friendly, their are so many things to see! You'll have lots of fun! Good luck and I hope u enjoy your trip!

    ps: feel free to contact me if u have any questions  

  3. I went to NYC on May '08 for a weekend getaway.  Had a pretty fun time and thankfully did not encounter any safety issues.

    I wasn't too fond of the subway (mainly for its lack of cleanliness.)  No problems with safety at the subway, but my friend was with me and I don't think I would have felt quite as safe without someone else with me.  But there are a lot of tourists so don't think you'll be zeroed in as the only non-New Yorker when you're riding the subway.

    And when traveling, I personally never bring anything I can't afford to lose.  And follow the basic safety tips: Keep an eye on your purse/wallet; don't walk alone at night; etc.

    Other tips:

    Try the Grayline Hop-On Hop-Off sightseeing tour buses.  Make sure to stop by Central Park; I had a great time just roaming around there.

  4. First, it can be very crowded. Have you ever heard of Flushing (in Queens) and or Times Square (in Manhattan)? Those places are very crowded. Well, actually, lets say that almost anywhere in midtown manhattan can be very crowded. What time of year are you going? Rockefeller Center (in Manhattan) can be very crowded because of the huge tree and the ice skating rink. The other boroughs should not be that crowded. But the subway system and buses can be very crowded during rush hours. The rush hours are from 6:30 am to 9:30 am and from 3:30 pm to 8 pm on Monday to Friday.

  5. Wear comfortable shoes. We went once with a friend of mine who thought she was Carrie Bradshaw and complained the entire time about all the walking because she was wearing "cute pumps." She was really a drag on the rest of us.

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