
Is there anything like witchcraft for real?

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i read paulo cohelo's brida and want to know more about such things wheather they are for real or just stories?




  1. I know a wood nymph

  2. Fraud. Some people lived in that income similar to those who lived by preaching about Gods. Both are almost of the same category.

  3. Witchcraft is just another name for magick.  Yes, it is very real.  I should know, I practice it every day.

  4. .At least 5 people in my family have turned themselves into mermaids through the true and proven mermaid spell. In fact, I plan to begin sellling mermaid charm amulets on E-Bay. I'm looking for magicians to write a book about Dagon and the powerful mermaid rituals with me. E-mail me if you know anyone who could contribute to this serious and potentially profitable effort.

  5. The word has rather broad use.  You might say it's worship of the old nature gods of Britain and Europe.  To really get to know it in a short time read Raymond Buckland's Complete Guide to Witchcraft from Llewellyn pub.

  6. must be

  7. Of course not - it's just trickery and/or self-delusion.

  8. Witchcraft, the Craft, and magick are all real and very often misunderstood. There are religious pratices of magick, such as Paganism and Wicca, and there are non-religious, like folk magick. It is very Earth based and natural and, just for the sake of it often being wrongly associated with "evil" "Satan" or "Satanism", has nothing to do with Satanism as there is no Satan or h**l in Wicca or Paganism. Feel free to email me for info or suggestions on readings and sites. If this interests you do some research and find out more, it can be very rewarding.

  9. I haven't heard of Paulo Cohelo, nor of his book, however I can tell you that such things exist, at least in my opinion.

    Witchcraft is a practice mainly using the elements and natural tools (i.e. herbs, minerals, etc.) to influence the energies around you and act out your will through magic. Magic is energy and it all depends on your intent when casting a spell. However there are certain aspects that have to be observed when using magic, for instance the threefold law, where whatever you send out comes back at you 3 times.

    Witchcraft is mainly used in pagan religions like Wicca; however you don't have to be Wiccan or even pagan to perform it. For instance teenage girl trying out a spell are doing witchcraft, but they aren't necessarily pagan. Anyone who actually practices witchcraft is called a witch, male  or female

    Witchcraft is not a religion, it is a practice. Anyone saying that being a witch is their religion is wrong. It’s a practice like a sport or something some people just have a natural gift for it; however others have to train for years and years to become powerful. However it is a very serious practice like medicine or law, you don't go into it all willy-nilly

    Wicca is a nature/fertility based religion and is most known in the common world as a religion that uses witchcraft, but it isn't the only one.

    Authors you want to look up are Gerald Gardner (rerdicoverer and father of modern Wicca)

    Raymond Buckland, Scott Cunningham

    A website you want to look at for more info is

  10. I knew this kid named Harry potter he could do some caaarazy ****

  11. I haven't read the books so don't know what they are about; but, first off, you must know that Witchcraft is not Satanism, but an entirely different religion; and, there are people who practice this religion.  But I doubt that their spells really work.  And for the record I don't think that prayers to either "Satan" or "God" work either. Never seen any evidence of it.

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