
Is there anything logically illogic ?

by  |  earlier

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Life logically exists in this material world. It is logical even though they present themselves illogically.

Mind has its own logic which is not easy to be understood.




  1. Some languages.

  2. ego transcendence is highly illogical.

  3. faith and love is  logically illogic

  4. What is logical to one person is illogical to another. Science seems to be completely based on logic, but is it logical to never look past the facts? This is why science is very one sided and illogical.

  5. Well first off, logic isn't a concrete physical entity, it's abstract.

  6. Surely you must use logic to determine whether something is illogical. So on that basis every illogical thing is logically illogical.

    Now say that fast 10 times!

  7. Answering Ur main Q : Yes, there is plenty of logically illogical "stuff" all around the world. For some Indians, cows are to be respected, appreciated, and considered as holy to the point of worship. For them its logically logical, for others it logically illogical.

    Ur 2nd line : I agree w/ U in the 1st half, but I got lost in the rest . What U mean by "they" ?

    Ur 3rd line : The mind has its own logic, is right, but it has been acquired through education and/or experiences. It is not easily understood by others , but not by the beholder.

  8. I thought I knew what you were asking, then your subtext just confused me.  But I'm going to go ahead and answer your first question anyway, and ignore the nonsense you wrote beneath it.

    Yes there is something Logically Illogical, it's called Godel's Theorem.  It goes like this (roughly translated to English):

    "This statement is unprovable within this Logical System"

    Within any system of Logic that is sufficiently complex to handle anything we throw at it (the one Godel was working with was the natural numbers), Godel showed that it was either incomplete or inconsistent.  It is impossible to make a Logical System which is complete and consistant.  

    Why?  Because with any system of sufficient complexity, you will always be able to derive a "Godel Sentence" in the notation of that system.  By following the derivation rules from the axioms you can always find a sentence of this kind.  

    If it is false, the system is inconsistent, because it was properly derived from the system.  If it is true, then it is true but the system by definition cannot prove it is true, therefore the system is incomplete.  

    That probably isn't what you wanted, but it should be!

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