
Is there anything more annoying than to be called 'guys' by a waitress when you are in your 70's??

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Is there anything more annoying than to be called 'guys' by a waitress when you are in your 70's??




  1. I suppose if she said, "What do you Old Farts want?" that might be more annoying.

  2. I get it all the time and I don't mind.  Just a sign of the times and as long as the waitress is friendly, I don't mind.

  3. It is annoying to be called that at any is rude and points out the factt hat the person has absolutley zero manners and no ettiquette....I have taken to saying, excuse me miss, would you please mind not calling us "guys".....please address me properly...if the cannot or they get mad or offended I immediately ask for a manager and request another server with manners...or if I am really in a mood, i wait til the end, hand her the check and then tip which is miniscule and explain that I was offended by her poor behavior (and ususally poor service it seems)  and leave.  On my way out I make a point of telling the management what I thought, how I tipped and how i was offended. As for all these people saying CHILL and being inconsiderate, I do not like it nor have I ever liked this type slang language.....and it happens even in fancy restaurants today.....I went to a very upscale french restaurant (and extremely pricey) last week with friends, and the server,  "hey, how you guys tonight?    besides the fact we werent all guys, some were women, I was offended...and keep in mind there is dress code there, so if I must be dressed a certain way, they should have to address me a certain way.........

  4. I'd much rather be called guy by my waitress than say:

    finding a fly doing the backstroke in my soup

    finding hair in my salad

    getting chicken when I ordered beef

    having a gang fight in the restaurant when I'm trying to eat

    a place crashing into the restaurant

    See...there are many more annoying things...

  5. no...what u want to be called " hey old wrinkled hump back man how may i take your order???" lol no just kidding...maybe she was just trying to be nice come on...but i do see your point she should have a lil respect she could have said Sir or Mister.....

  6. Yes, she could have called you Gramps.

  7. Yes. Being called "kids" when we're in our 40's.

  8. its alright she is just trying to make you feel young.Chill

  9. As a server, I usually avoided calling anyone "guys", because I know people could be offended. That being said, who really cares. Sometimes it's just a server's habit to say "guys" regardless of who they're talking to. A lot of servers say "folks" as well. It's especially not a big deal if it's a casual place.

  10. No there is not. She should refer to you as sir or madam

  11. Do you want to be called sir/madam?.....unless it's a 5 star, she/they are probably just keeping it casual.

  12. She calls you 'guys' just like the teens who come in.What's wrong with that? Grow up!

  13. Why does anyone in their seventies have to be so touchy ?

    I passed through that stage years ago .

  14. I can think of hundreds of things that are more annoying than that.  Don't be petty.

    I'm 64 and still a guy.  When I'm dead, they'll say I'm a dead guy.

    But hopefully, they'll never call me a cranky guy.

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