
Is there anything more phony than the GOP pretending to admire Hillary?

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She was the veritable devil to them until recently. Could they BE any more disingenuous?




  1. Yes there is, a Democrat professing to "family values", they don't know the meaning of the words.

  2. The Bush's , Clinton's and now the McCains are all in the same corner. They vacation together and plan their moves together and the American people think they are at odds. Too funny , when will the public wake up and realize this two headed best is the same we might be able to save this country from the fascists police state we are in.

    Oh and Obama , lol look who he chose Bidden a real washington insider how does change come from picking a running mate that is the staus quo when he has said just a year ago that McCain would make a great president. They are all in the same club and we are not invited.

    There were a couple of choices that are not in the inner circle of corruption but the government controlled media made them out to be crazy,when it is our government that has gone 5150.

    Ron Paul, Mike Gravel, dennis Kuchinch these men fought for the people and not corporations and corrupt government.

    because theres a war out for your mind.

    We are brainwashed and lied to by every institution that brings us our information.

    Russia did not start the conflict as our TV news would have us believe.

  3. It's not nearly as phony as what Hillary's own colleagues did to her.

    They all came at her as if she was Julius Caesar, and stabbed her in the back - Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi in nthe lead.

  4. It's just another cheap stupid ploy.

    GOP's new meaning : GRASPING ON PLOYS.

    GOP praising Hillary? Come on, anybody with an average IQ could see through it's fake. Hey Hillary is great, a woman. Now let us present Palin, also a woman.

    Shameless and insulting. But you know how the party degenerated they dont realize how ridiculous this entire stunt has become.

  5. The GOP never really hated Hillary, but they were afraid of her. They knew she could win against McCain, so they planned & plotted against her for that reason. As for the democrats, well, that's another story. I'm sure misogyny & stupidity had a lot to do with it.

    I think John A means the democrats.

  6. Give me a source where they pretend to admire her other then the fact that she could've been the first woman president and I'll give you my left foot.

    Thanks for the 2 points.

  7.   Yes 2 things come to mind.  ! they care about the global warming and they care about the middle class.  

  8. Good question. But yes, they are even more honey on some things.

    Most particularly claiming to be patriots while championing Bush's sacrifice of of American lives in Iraq while letting al-Caida and the Taliban get away.

  9. If they were honest, they would truly admire her and I believe they

    actually do but they resent her because she is so much smarter then they are and they hope their rhetoric will sucker us.

    It is not working for any thinking woman.


  10. Face it it's hard for anybody to pretend to admire Hillary.

    But "The Great Pretender" bill clinton was able to do it one more time to try to get his weaselly fat butt back into the White House riding in on the hem of Hillary's pants suit.

    A little to little to late.

    So sorry, but so true.

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