
Is there anything more stupid than buying free water?

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North Americans are not the brightest environmental bulbs above the soil, but this is ridiculous. Perfectly good tap water is being ignored in favor of our water given freely to companies who then sell it back to us in bottles which are non-recycleable. A very simple scam for very simple folks.

Suzie glug-a-glug.FU... sorry, Fu.




  1. Yes, this is about as stoopid as the belief in Global Warming. Both crazy!!!

  2. Absolutely and the way you put it correctly, a paradox!

  3. yea.... stealing free water

  4. Tut tut tut Suzi, you and your little finger, and there was me thinking that you were so good with it.  To your question.  In France they are selling fat free water for double the price (true) I never touch water unless it has been boiled and put in the freezer for a couple of days and it is only tap water.  No ay am I going to buy what is freely given.   I actually went into a shop here in France and they were selling cans of Fresh Air. recycled condoms, and recycled toilet paper, can you just imagine.  The mind boggles and the stomach turns,  Best wishes  Peter

  5. I heard some folks go to oxygen bars.

    Anyway, I have been bitc... complaining about the bottled water companies for years.  

    Do you think there would be as many water shortages if they were not taking our God given water and bottling it up & selling it?

    I bought a water purification system because my water is treated with floride & clorine.  Both are deadly poisons.

  6. Water is not exactly free, it cheap but not free. Alot of people don't get it as they rent but homeowners get water bills and this is to compensate for the water treatment of your tap water. Generally all tap water is treated to some extent, and your town or city bills you for it. Most of the time your the one getting the deal as the Municipality is charging you roughly $.30 to the dollar of cost.

    Water pumped in by the companies is not quite free either, they pay the water bill as well and filter it a few more times. I'm not sure about your non recycleable bottles. From what I've seen, they are reccycleable.

    Bottled water is more of a convienance than anything. I don't buy it unless I'm quite thirsty because tap water is good enough for me.

    But I do agree with you that it is silly to buy bottled water when we have tap water that is just as good. Yes some places bottled water is better than tap water but thats because the tap water has been contaminated and sometimes is an easy fix.

    hope this helps

  7. yes their is.................... typing so much and your little finger slips.

  8. You might have mentioned the incredible cost of transporting the bottled water from places like Main or Fiji.  We had a house guest a month or so ago, an artist who constantly complained about how poor she was, who got indigent when we pointed out that her fiji water might be a bit anti-social.

    My food co-op is considering banning bottled water.  I'm so proud of us.

  9. Yeah, tell me about it God supplied us with FREE water,but yet people are willing to pay 1.50 and up for it! Go Figure! and it's uslually some goofy excuse to buy it like " I buy it becuase it's flavored!"...well if that's the case than get yourself some $.45 cent packets of KOOL AID,a box of splenda and a couple of empty pitchers and A LOT of FREE,UNLIMITED tap water from God right from your kitchen!

  10. not all tap water is, as you put it, PERFECTLY GOOD. Ours is so bad, we buy 5 gallon jugs of water to make coffee with (at Walmart-$1.35) not at the Culligan store ($ 4.50).

  11. I know what you mean.  I have come up with my own solution.  I save my friends/families bottles, clean them well, fill them with tap water, then store them.  I never have a need to buy bottled water.  My friends/family do it for me! haha!

  12. Um, just going to point out how much bottled water is drunk on the entire continent of EUROPE! AUSTRALIA? How about not just pointing out the flaws of one place when more than one place shares that flaw. Thanks.

  13. People don't trust  the Water supply in L.A..  It actually does contain water that has been rpocessed from the sewers.    When there was a Cryptosporidium out break, L.A. was told to protect our citizens by adding expensive UV lights to clean the water or to use Ozone.   L.A.'s solution was to add even more Chlorine, despite the fact that Crypto is resistent to chlorine.    The water also taste funny because they add sweetners to the water.   I do sometimes buy bottled water, but it's kept in the house for emergency.  I am in an earthquake sensitive area.   I do sometimes put a few in the fridge, but it's not good to have the bottle sit there forever either.    I also drink some mineral water, becaue I like the taste.  I tend to buy the high calcium stuff.   It does waste fuel to transport them though.   I try recylcing the bottles.  

    PS, water is not given freely to the company.   THey either buy tap water or buy the water rights to the springs.

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